Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ministering with Christlike Attributes

* There will be a baptism this Saturday (September 1) for those that are able to attend ~ We would really appreciate your support.  It will be at the Belmont Ward Bldg @ 8:30 am for Nathan and McKenzie Taylor.
* September 4th we will be having Ministering interviews.
* September 11th @ 6 pm we will be putting together the Chemo Kits.  Please purchase the items listed on the side bar of this blog to bring to help put the kits together.
Today's discussion was facilitated by Sister Louisa Joy.  She told of how when she was first instructed that she would be teaching on ministering this was one discussion that she really wanted to have.  What she decided to discuss was Ministering with Christlike Attributes.

Sister Joy then began by saying, "Christ was the greatest example of how we need to live our lives.  We should be trying to emulate Him in our ministering to others.  Can you think of examples in your life of people that are Christlike?  How can we be more Christlike?"

One of the sisters responded that often we have parts and pieces of Christlike attributes, but that we don't have all of them.   She said we only show one or two but we never have them all like the Savior did.

Sister Clark said that thinking of the Savior, she loves the pictures of Christ with the little children.  Christ had unconditional love for the children (and for us all).  She said that as we learn to love others, our love broadens and continues to grow larger and larger.

Sister Louisa commented that she would consider this being without Guile and Hypocrisy.  She said that this is how little children are.  Christ was this way.  Being like little children helps us to be more Christlike.  We need to be willing to be open to making new friends.  She then read a quote from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin.  It said, "To beguile is to deceive or lead astray.  A person without guile is a person of innocence, honest intent and pure motives, whose life reflects the simple practice of conforming his [or her] daily actions to principles of integrity.  I believe the necessity for the members of the Church to be without guile may be more urgent now than at other times because many in the world apparently do not understand the importance of this virtue."

She then asked, "How can being without guile or hypocrisy help us to minister in a more Christlike way

A sister commented that often in our lives we have been hurt or have felt judged and so we have built walls.  When we do this it is hard for us to be child-like and make friends easily.  But we need to do this, we need to learn to let those walls fall and be Christlike.  There are times when people in church or our places of work are nice to us and will say hello, but that is as far as it goes.  They are not willing to include others in their groups of friends.  As members of the Church, we need to be more inclusive of those that are new.  We need to be like Christ was and include others.

Can you think of examples of someone in your life that was a good example of Christlike behavior?

Sister White commented that her mom is a great example to her.  She said that her mother is one of those people that is always willing to talk and reach out to others.  She said that all of her life, her mother has been this way.  When they are at a store or anywhere, her mom is always speaking to other people in kindness.  She said that often her mother compliments strangers, and she is sincere in her compliments.  She makes other people feel good about themselves.  Sister White said that she wishes she were more like her mom.  She also said that often we are too interested in our devises and we don't even notice others around us. 

Sister Joy commented that Sister White's mom probably has touched a lot of lives and she doesn't even know it.  It seems like people like that seem to stand out.  

I know that when I see people like that it makes me want to be their friends and be with them.  They seem to uplift anyone they are with.

Sister Joy then asked, "Do any of the young women know someone like that at school?" 

Sister Clark commented that her son is this way.  He seems to make friends with anyone and he is always happy.

Sister Joy then asked, "Can you think of anyone else that is like this?"

Sister Ellis commented that Brother Stringham is this way.  She said, "Brother Stringham will sometimes just drive around looking for others that may be in need.  He will often times see if someone is out and stop and talk with them."

Sister Ashby said that this is true.  She said that when her husband was in the hospital Brother Stringham helped her.  She then went on to tell how when she had gone home for a break from the hospital, her husband had told her that he needed her to move the tractor that was in their yard so that the watering could be done.  When she tried to move it, it broke off a sprinkler that her husband had just put in.  She was crying and didn't know what to do because they couldn't use the sprinkler system with the head broken off.  Just then Brother Stringham went by.  She waved him down and he stopped.  She told him what had happened.  He asked if they had any spare parts. She told him she didn't know, but showed him what they had in their garage.  Brother Stringham went to work repairing their sprinkler.  She had to leave him there working while she ran back to the hospital.  When she got home it was fixed and the sprinklers were working. 

Then Sister Ashby told of another time when Brother Stringham had helped her.  She said she wasn't feeling well and asked her daughter to run and call Brother Stringham to see if he could come and give her a blessing because her husband was at work.  Brother Stringham came with another priesthood brother and they were able to give her a blessing.  She found out that it had been appendicitis.  She then said, "Isn't it wonderful when we have those kinds of people in our lives!  When we can call on them and we know they will come and help."

Sister Joy then asked, "What kinds of Christlike attributes do you see in these stories of Brother Stringham?"  Perhaps charity, love, or service?  

The Guide to the Scriptures defines charity as "the highest, novelist, strongest kind of love."  It is the pure love of Jesus Christ.  As we learn of Jesus Christ and strive to become like Him, we will begin to feel His pure love in our lives and be prompted to love and serve others as He would.  "Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down," said President Thomas S. Monson.  "It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily.  It is accepting weaknesses and shortcomings.  It is accepting people as they truly are.  It is looking beyond physical appearances to attributes that will not dim through time.  It is resisting the impulse to categorize others."

Sister Joy then asked if anyone else had other examples of this type of ministering.

Sister Ellis commented that yesterday they were pulling a trailer to go camping up at their property.  She said that as they were going down the highway, there was a box of newly picked corn that had fallen off a truck.  She said that they pulled off and her husband began helping the young man that had been driving the truck get the corn off the highway and pick up the huge box it had been in.  All the while, the young man kept saying how his father was going to be so mad, but that her husband got him calmed down and they got it taken care of.  Her husband is an example to her. 

Sister Stringham commented that as she has listened to the stories of these people that have been given it made her think; when you do these types of service, you are showing more than one attribute of Christ.  She then said, "It seems like when you use one attribute, then you seem to have more of them.  They build on one another."

Sister Annalee said that her mother reminds her of this kind of person.  She told of how her mother has been dealing with poor health for the last year.  She said that when her mother does something like her ironing, it makes her so tired that she has to rest for a couple of hours after wards.  She is having to rest more and more often.  But while her mother is not able to be up and about, she often is thinking of others.  Annalee told of how her mom will say, "Oh so and so needs words of encouragement.  Or I heard that this person would like this book, or I think so and so needs a lift today."  So she will write notes, send books or flowers.  Her mother is always asking herself, "who can I serve today?"  Even though her mother is ill, she is literally thinking of others and not of herself.

Victoria Scott commented on how her grandmother, though wheelchair bound is always thinking of her family and others.  She told of a time when her grandmother had fixed a family dinner and just as she was serving it, she spilled hot gravy all over herself.  She wouldn't hear of them taking her to the doctor until the meal was over.  She had wanted everyone to enjoy themselves.  Victoria said she (her grandmother) is like that, she is always thinking of others.

Sister Clark talked about a man that she works with who only has one arm.  She said he is always working hard and helping others.  She said that one time she commented to him that she thought he was so blessed.  The man agreed with her.  He said that he had been blessed to be able to provide and was able to work hard even though he only had one arm.  He told her that the Lord had blessed him in many ways.

Sister Joy paralleled this to the attributes of patience and long-suffering.   She said, "In our premarital life, our Heavenly Father prepared a plan for us - His spirit children - and we shouted for joy at the opportunity to come to earth. (Job 38:7)  As we choose to align our will with His during our earthly life.  He "will make an instrument of [us] in [His] hands unto the salvation of many souls."
(Alma 17:11)

The scriptures tell us that in our earthly life, we should "be patient in afflictions, for [we shall] have many."  God then gives us this comforting promise.  "Endure them, for lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days." (D&C 24:8)

Sister Johnson said that as we have been discussing this, she thought of how Christ was always serving the sinners and the publicans.  She said, "Christ was so willing and able to love those that weren't like him."  She said that she knows that we are supposed to serve those that are poor or needy, but that sometimes because they are so different from how she lives that it makes her nervous to reach out.  Then she commented that instead of being judgmental, she is going to try to reach out more and think about what they are going through.  She is going to try to think of what it would be like to be in their shoes.

Sister Joy then commented on how there are so many examples of Christlike attributes in these stories.  How we are here to learn and become better, to develop these Christlike attributes.  

She told how as she was preparing this discussion for today, Sister Rogers stopped by her home.  Sister Rogers said, "I don't know why, but I was prompted that I needed to bring this by to you today."  Then Sister Joy read what Sister Rogers had brought to her and she wanted to use it to end her discussion today.  It is as follows:

She wept as she knelt beside her bed.
"Father, please hear my prayer," she said.
"I need a friend, I feel so alone,"
Her prayer was soon ended by the sound of the phone.
"Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you at all, 
but I suddenly felt that I needed to call."
The loneliness soon faded away, 
as a bond of sisterhood was strengthened that day.
A heart cried out, a prayer was heard,
because angels heeded a call to serve.

One sister sat at her desk with a pen,
working on lessons for church again.
Week after week, she faithfully prepared, 
but she wondered, dies anyone really care?
I'm doing my best, to answer my call,
but am I making any difference at all?
What joy she found in the mail that day!
When a note of gratitude came her way.
Just wanted you to know we appreciate 
your wonderful lessons, they are go great.
That simple note was such a gift, 
She really needed that little lift!
She was blessed by an angel, who had taken the time
to write a note so sweet and kind.

Another was feeling completely run down, 
she felt overwhelmed, as she looked around,
at the dishes and laundry and dinner still to make.
And knew this was the day she'd finally break.
Then a knock at the door, a friend stopping by.
"I was thinking of you, thought I'd come and say Hi."
The tears welled up, a friend jumped in, 
she washed all the dishes and got some laundry put in.
She helped make the dinner, gave a hug, then went on her way. 
Another angel was on errand that day.

So many lives, so many needs.
So many angels, who do thoughtful deeds.
When promptings come, let us never fail, 
to heed them quickly, for we can never tell, 
when our errands as angels will be a part,
of an answer to prayer in a sister's heart!
                                          ~Laurie Dukes

Sister Joy ended with her testimony that when we serve and try to emulate the attributes of Christ, we will be the ones who's lives are blessed.

Thank you Sister Joy for your beautiful discussion!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

It's All About the People ~ Bishop Gerald Causse'

*Temple day - this Friday.  Please attend either the 5 or 7 o'clock session.
*September 4th we will begin ministering interviews.
*September 11th we will be putting together the Chemo Kits.  Please feel free to purchase any of the items in the list on the side-bar of this blog.
Today's lesson was based on Bishop Gerald Causse's conference talk.  It was given by Sister Tammy Jensen.

She began her lesson by telling a story.  Tammy and her family were going to go to Nauvoo and she had told another friend about this trip.  Her friend told her that on her way, she should stop and stay with this family as they were an incredible family that Tammy and her family should meet.  

So Tammy and her family contacted these people and they were invited to spend time in their cabin in Wyoming on their way east.  When they arrived it was late, around midnight.  But the windows were lit with small lights in every window that made it very welcoming.  The above picture was of this cabin.  Tammy said that the picture didn't do it justice.  

The owners of this cabin had left a note telling Tammy and her family to make theirselves at home.  The next day when they got up, the owner took them around and showed them the property. 

This sweet lady had planted daisies all along the sides of the cabin and there were quilts hung inside as well as pictures of birds and wildlife that she had framed.  This lady had made it beautiful inside.  

This woman told Tammy that in doing her genealogy, she found that she was of Cherokee ancestry.  So she had been through the years prompted to do family history work for 350,000 names of the Cherokee people.  Not only that she had studied their heritage in-depth and actually served a mission with her husband in Cherokee, North Carolina where that tribe lived.

While Tammy and her family were there, this lady showed them all of the symbolism of the Cherokee people.  Because she studied  it so in-depth she has drawn the parallels that the Cherokees had the gospel at one point in time.  She said you can see it in the symbolism of their rituals.  As an example she showed Tammy a rock that she had been given by this lady.  This lady said that these rocks cannot be purchased anywhere, but that she got it on her mission.  It is a black rock with a white line straight through it.  She said it represents the straight and narrow path back to God.  Just little things like that in their traditions makes this sister believe this.

As Tammy walked through the cabin, she started to notice little inconsistencies.  A step that didn't quite fit with the others.  A door ledge that wasn't plumb with the door way.  Just little things that made her think that perhaps someone didn't measure right.  But she really didn't focus anymore than that on it.  

They enjoyed their time with these people.  And at different points each of her girls told Tammy that they didn't want to leave, because of the Spirit that this cabin held.  It was a beautiful and peaceful experience for them.

They left and went on with their trip.  However, later Tammy talked with her mutual friend, the one that had suggested that they meet these people.  As they talked this friend told Tammy that this cabin had been built over 40 years.  The woman that owned it had built it with her own hands while her husband worked.  She would fell the trees and literally mill the wood herself.  That is why there were inconsistencies.  

This sweet woman had wanted a large family, but after seven miscarriages she only had one daughter.  So because of that emptiness and of wanting to do something with her life, she petitioned the Lord as to what He wanted her to do.  She felt that the Lord had lead her to do this work.  Tammy was shocked when she learned of this woman's dedication and loving labor for her family.  

Two years ago, Tammy and her family were again headed up to this woman's home to go camping.  As they got close, they could see huge billows of smoke.  This woman's son-in-law called them to let them know that the cabin was on fire.  This woman's life's work had been consumed by fire in one afternoon.  It was gone.  

Shortly after that Dick, the woman's husband passed away.  At the funeral their grandson expressed that this man had died of a broken heart.  

A person that these people had known earlier in their life, that they had been serving and had reached out to, had gotten angry and had vowed that he would kill them.  This man on that afternoon had started their cabin on fire.  

So this woman's husband died a year and a half ago and Tammy just saw her yesterday.  They had gone up to the property to camp as they had a yearly invite from this woman.  Because the cabin is now gone, they pitched their tent in a grassy area.  The woman now has a small trailer there where she can stay, but the cabin has not been rebuilt.  As they were there, they talked with this woman.  She spoke only briefly of the arsonist.  

She told them how the day of the fire the dog had been barking for about a half hour, but that they had not seen anything or anyone when they looked.   So they didn't think anything of it.  She wondered why the dog had been barking, and she tried to comfort it, but to no avail.  The fire erupted so quickly, there had been an explosion and she ran to get her book on her Cherokee heritage that she had put together.  A neighbor actually came and carried her out of the cabin because she had been going after the book.  As she was telling Tammy and her family about what had happened, she had a smile on her face and kept saying "I'm so grateful that the Lord helped me save this work."  And "Do you see this tree, it is shaped like an Indian."  She told of tender mercies that they received at the time of the fire.  How the fire had missed the water pump.  She talked about how the Lord had blessed them that day.  

Three days after the fire, the fire chief had them go back to where  the fire had been and he also showed them things that he had never seen in his whole career that showed that Heavenly Father had blessed them.  Small things that had been preserved that were special to her.  

So Tammy talked about how her family in their homeschooling study people.  They chart out their attributes to get to know them.  She next posed the question: "What did this woman in her life do, some of the things she told us in this story, some of them people already know because many people in our ward are just like her in the love that they carry and the discipleship over a lifetime of serving.  But what are the small and simple things that she did?"  She then said that these things can be from our own life experiences when you have seen the fruit.  What Tammy was so amazed at was how she has done that.  She lost her husband and a part of her life that she had spent so much time working on.  Yet she is still praising the lord.  She is still seeing His miracles.  It has just become a part of her. 

Tammy wanted to make a quick list of the small and simple things that she saw.
  • Cheri Smith:  She saw beauty in a disaster.   There are certain things you have control over and there are certain things you do not have control over.  When you don't have control you need to seek for the beauty in it.

Tammy then asked, "Does anyone come by this naturally?  Is there people that always see the good in everything or does it take practice?"  Cheri then responded that she thinks it is something that we learn and that we have to work at it.  

  • Lisa Hess (Eldon's daughter-in-law):  She told of how one time she brushed her hair with a stiff brush and it pulled her hair out.  It hasn't grown back.  She thought to herself, you can't change that, so what can you change?  She started to look for the things that she can change.  So she is gaining perspective.  
  • Lana Coombs:  She teaches tragic optimism to her students in school.  You need to look for the pony.  (this comes from a story about identical twins, one a pessimist and one an optimist.  The parents took them to a local psychologist to help them.  He suggested a plan to help them balance out their personalities.  He told them to give the pessimistic child the best present they could and give the optimistic child a box of manure.  When the two children opened the boxes, the pessimistic child was not happy.  He didn't like the color and knew that it would break.  The optimistic child looked inside his box and said, "You can't fool me, where there is this much manure there is a pony!") She (Lana) continued there is a bright side to every situation.  There are things that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't gone through these experiences.  Then she also said she teaches, "Don't try to ride a dead horse."  If you can't change something then focus on the things you can change.  In every situation there is something good to be found. Too often we get lost in the disaster and the negative and there is always something to be learned and good to be found.  God allows these things to happen because of the good that can be learned and the growth and insights that come from them happening.  Like they say, when one door closes, another door opens.  But sometimes we end up looking at the closed door instead of focusing on the open door.
  • Christina Smith: She practiced gratitude throughout her life everyday.  So when the disaster of this cabin burning down it was her habit to be grateful and finding things to be grateful for.
  • Michelle Ballard:  Forgiveness.  Look what happened, someone intentionally burned down everything that they had built and she could have harbored a lot of bitterness, but she didn't.  She had to be pretty forgiving to still smile.  Tammy commented that you can feel when someone is hanging on to stuff.  She said she can feel that this woman is not holding onto bad feelings.  She said that it is astounding to her given all that this woman has lost.
  • Cheryl Rose:  She is surprised that being the kind of people that they were that anyone didn't like them.  They seemed like they were of high moral values and tried to serve others and be Christ-like people.  So for someone to come in and do that she was impress that this woman was so forgiving.   Tammy told that it was due to a situation where these people were upholding a standard that created the anger in this man.  
  • Lana Coombs:  She trusted in the Lord.  She put her faith in Him.

Tammy then asked, "What does this list have to do with the Church as an organization?"
  • Kalli Richard:  What she thinks of first is our ancestors.  The pioneers and what they went through.  The faith that they had and the attitude that they had and the choices they made to get them here.  It was the beauty in the disaster, they knew the final end.  They had the gratitude the found the joy.  You had to stay positive, you had to forgive.  That is what I think of.  Tammy said, "What a fruit we have because of them."
  • Lana Coombs: Charity, which is the pure love of Christ.  It is meekness and it's kindness.  It is living our religion.
  • Michelle Ballard:  People not in our church, I think that there are a lot of people in the world that don't know why they are here.  They don't know what their purpose is.  Our church teaches us that our purpose here is a test.  It is a trial and the things we experience here, some of them are very hard and it is up to us to decide how we are going to handle them.  Are we going to do them with a positive attitude or not.  We know that were are going to have trials and problems and how we handle them is how we learn.
Tammy then shared that she had read a conference talk and in the talk it said, "When asked what to do with the youth that were struggling, (She didn't remember who it was) but they said, "Teach them who they are and teach them their purpose."  She thinks that this is a core gift that we have been given.  We know it.  Speaking of the sister that lost her cabin, "At least the journey she has been on teaches us from the Lord of these truths."
  • Katie Hess:  I think about the changes and the revelations that the church has had in the last five years, and more specifically in the last year; the lowering of the mission age, the  combining of the elders and high priest quorum, the visiting teaching to ministering.  I think that if you choose to look at all of those changes; if you look at them in a positive light if you find the good, if you are grateful for those and trust in the Lord it makes it easy to accept those changes.  There are a handful that find it hard to accept these changes or understanding the purpose behind it.  Sometimes if we use those attributes to look at the revelations it makes it easier to continue on.  Tammy suggested that this be called faithful flexibility
  • Jamie Johnson:  Everything that they went through is an example of the Savior.  They were an example of His attributes, that perfect love.  Tammy suggested that the be called The Savior's attributes, or The Savior's Church.

In the talk that we read today by Bishop Causse' he talks about how they were preparing for the construction of the Temple in Paris.  
He said, "While preparing for the construction of the magnificent Paris France Temple, I had an experience I will never forget. In 2010, when property for the temple was found, the city mayor asked to meet with us to know more about our Church. This meeting was a critical step in obtaining a building permit. We meticulously prepared a presentation that included several impressive pictures of Latter-day Saint temples. My most fervent hope was that their architectural beauty would persuade the mayor to support our project.

To my surprise, the mayor indicated that rather than reviewing our presentation, he and his team preferred to conduct their own investigation to find out what kind of church we were. The following month, we were invited back to hear a report given by a city councilor who also happened to be a professor of religious history. She said, “Above all else, we wanted to understand who the members of your church are. First, we attended one of your sacrament meetings. We sat at the back of the chapel and carefully observed the people in the congregation and what they were doing. Then we met with your neighbors—those who live around your stake center—and we asked them what kind of people you Mormons are.”
“So what are your conclusions?” I asked, feeling a little bit of anxiety. She replied, “We discovered that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the closest to Jesus Christ’s original Church than any other church we know of.” I almost objected by saying, “That’s not completely accurate! It’s not the church that is closest; it is the Church of Jesus Christ—the same Church, the true Church!” But I restrained myself and instead offered a silent prayer of gratitude. The mayor then advised us that, based on their findings, he and his team had no objections to the construction of a temple in their community."
The definition of the Church might be derived from a passage in the Book of Mormon that states, “And they [meaning the Lord’s disciples] who were baptized in the name of Jesus were called the church of Christ.”1
In other words, the Church is all about people. It is all about you, the Lord’s disciples—those who love and follow Him and who have taken His name upon them by covenant.
Tammy then told of how lately she has had a burden on her heart, family members and other's she is associated with that are like those that Katie mentioned, people that are struggling silently.  Even with some leaving the church.  She told that through lots of prayer she has come to know that the Savior has all of us in His hands and that those that have left the Church, is not the end of the story.  And that there is great reason for joy and hope in the journey and learning that each of us go through.  She has also thought a lot of and asked how can we address those concerns?   Sometimes when we struggle internally, it is difficult to see things clearly.  Most of the time it is unveiling Satan that fixes it.  When you just take of the veil off the lie. 
She told of a time when she and Pete were at a party.  There was a mom there that had gotten into the habit of yelling at her kids and she was yelling at her son to come and finish his ice cream.  Pete looked at Tammy and said, "really, does anyone have to be yelled at to eat ice cream?"
She has thought about that a lot.  Like with the church, when you look at that the fruit that we have and the gift that the Lord has given us do you ever feel or have you ever felt like the Church was not a gift in your life and how did you come to see the gift?
She then shared an example of a time when she was struggling.  One of the lies that had been whispered to her heart at a time when she was working for a company where her boss had left the church.  So he would make comments here and there at work.  One of the comments that got stuck in her thought was, that the members weren't converted, that they were just attending out of habit.  And she really didn't think about it a lot but it was in her heart.  
One day in sacrament meeting, the spirit was strong and she just had a knowledge as she looked over the crowd, that everybody has fought a battle to be here. Because this is not popular in the world right now to be a believer.  Suddenly that lie was unveiled and she saw clearly it was not true.  That Utah Mormons; the stigma that is given to them was eradicated and she didn't have to deal with that anymore.  Are there any of those that you have overcome or that has been unveiled to you about the church?
  • Lola Coombs:  I haven't questioned it, but this last week, President Nelson has received revelation about how we should call ourselves Latter-day Saints, not Mormons.  And we are to say "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."  There are going to be a lot of changes made with lots of programs where it's easier to say Mormon and people are going to have a hard time.  But when you think that President Nelson received that revelation, how can you not.  Tammy agreed and she said that she sees people complaining of that and about President Nelson doing that.  She just thinks that there is a misunderstanding there.  They are not understanding the gift.
  • Lana Coombs:  When President Nelson says, "The Lord has made it known unto me. . ." There is no question.
One of the thoughts that Tammy had and that Bishop Clausse' said; he said, "This isn't like the original church, this is the original church of Jesus Christ." No wonder President Nelson is receiving revelation for the church.  We need to remind the members that we are in the original church of Jesus Christ.  It has not changed from when He was here  It has been restored.  This is His church and that is a gift to us.  
  • Christina Smith:  How much more powerful is it to say, "I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than to say I'm a Mormon?"  Even to myself.  Just to say that to myself.  Yes, it is longer, but to say that brings power.  
  • Tammy Jensen:  Yes, there is power in the word!
  • Mary Phipps:  She attended a meeting on Wednesday where a gentleman held up the title of the church.  He dissected it by saying: The Church (a religious organization; group of people) of Jesus Christ (Savior; Anointed one) of Latter-day (a time period) Saints (holy ones).  We are trying to be like this list.  We haven't made it, but when we look at it, it is a neat title to use.  
  • Tonya Hess: When she thought about Tammy's comment on attending as a habit, she remembered when she was younger and newly activated.  Sure it was habit, but out of that habit came a testimony.  How else is your testimony going to grow without worshiping.  I think just plain obedience.  
Tammy then told of how when she was going through that trial, things got really real.  Because of what was being put in her head.  She noticed it was a simple as how she was in a better mood when she left church than when she arrived.  It is the same concept of just plain obedience.

  • Lana Coombs:  What are the chances of conversion without that habit?  

As Tammy looked at the list made regarding her friend she said, " She said as you look at this list, there is no way that she could have done this without a testimony of the Lord.  It is just against the natural man to be like that in the face of those difficulties.  It was the church that delivered those tools.  
  • Cheryl Rose:  Even Christ in the most difficult time in the garden of Gethsemane, He portrayed an astounding example of obedience.  In the hardest of times.  So I think it is a progress and a step-by-step thing.  Sometimes we just go because we know it is a good example for our children or for our husbands or just whom ever.  Sometimes it is so exhausting, but we are blessed for that obedience.  
  • Glori Alsop:  It sometimes goes from generation to generation.  Today in Primary they are learning the song, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Some of the younger ones don't know that song and some of the older ones are revisiting it.  But out of the mouth of babes.  If they learn to be proud of that; if they are in the right place to learn that song again today....
  • Tammy, Right you don't know when; I remember I was always trying to orchestrate my kids learning everything they would ever need to know.  My friend was like, Tammy there most profound moments, you don't know when they are going to be. You can't plan for that.  You can plant the habits but only the lord knows where those profound teaching moments would be.  And how many times have you heard that the Primary songs have been that source of calling up those moments.
  • Lisa Hess:  There was a woman that she knew that when she was a child they had moved and they went inactive.  This woman remembers asking her parents to go back to where they were the most happiest (being the church).  Years later they finally got active.  But she knew the difference and she felt it.
Bishop Clausse' said, "Ours is not just a Sunday church. Our worship continues each day of the week, wherever we are and in whatever we do. Our homes in particular are “the primary sanctuaries of our faith.” It is most often in our homes that we pray, we bless, we study, we teach the word of God, and we serve with pure love. I can testify from personal experience that our homes are sacred places where the Spirit can abound—as much as, and sometimes even more than, in our formal places of worship.

I bear witness that this Church is the Church of Jesus Christ. Its strength and vitality come from the daily actions of millions of His disciples who strive each day to follow His supreme example by caring for others. Christ lives and He directs this Church."

Tammy then talked about how when she was put in as Relief Society President she had a profound feeling that our ward didn't have far to go to have our hearts knit together.  She feels that President Nelson is a unity Prophet.  She felt so uplifted by the lesson today.  


Monday, August 13, 2018

WIth One Accord - Sister Reyna I. Aburto

*Remember the Ward Party this Tuesday at Fielding Park @ 6 pm.  For those bringing food please be there at 5:45.  There will be games and prizes.  Please bring lawn chairs and blankets.
*Ward Temple Night:  August 24, either the 5 or 7 pm session.
Today's lesson was given by Sister Jamie Johnson and was based on Sister Aburto's conference talk.

To begin today's lesson, Sister Jamie began by telling the sisters how Sister Jensen touched her heart last week as she held the RS Council and talked about how Heavenly Father wanted us to know that the Lord loves each of us.  Sister Jamie said she had been praying for the past two weeks and she too felt that this is what Heavenly Father wanted us to know.

Then Sister Johnson handed out thread and asked each of us to cut a piece off the spool.  We could choose whatever color we wanted.  Then we were to hold on to that piece until later in the lesson.

Sister Johnson then read a part from Sister Aburto's talk.  It said, "One of the most remarkable creatures on earth is the monarch butterfly.  On a trip to Mexico to spend Christmas with my husband's family, we visited a butterfly sanctuary, where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter.  It was fascinating to see such an impressive sight and for us to reflect on the example of unity and obedience to divine laws that God's creations demonstrate.

Monarch butterflies are master navigators.  They use the sun's position to find the direction they need to go.  Every Spring, they travel thousands of miles from Mexico to Canada, and every Fall, they return to the same sacred fir forests in Mexico.  They do this year after year, one tiny wing flap at a time.

A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope.  Isn't that a beautiful image?  Each butterfly in a kaleidoscope is unique and different, yet these seemingly fragile creatures have been designed by a loving Creator with the ability to survive, travel, multiply and disseminate life as they go from one flower to the next, spreading pollen.  And although each butterfly is different, they work together to make the world a more beautiful and fruitful place."

Sister Johnson then explained that like the monarch butterflies, we are on a journey back to our heavenly home, where we will reunite with our Heavenly Parents.

She then asked the question, "Why is unity so important?" She then said she wanted to talk about three key that would help us to become united.

The first key is GATHERING
Sister Aburto said, "Our Lord Jesus Christ has promised us that when we are gathered together in His name, He is in the midst of us."

President Eyering has said, "He cannot grant [unity] to us as individuals.  The joy of unity He wants so much to give us is not solitary.  We must seek it and qualify for it with others.  It is not surprising then that God urges us to gather so that He can bless us.  He wants us to gather into families.  He has established classes, wards, and branches and commanded us to meet together often.  In those gatherings, which God has designed for us, lies our great opportunity. We can pray and work for the unity that will bring us joy and multiply our power to serve."

Sister Aburto explained in her talk that during their journey, the butterflies cluster together at night on trees to protect themselves from the cold and from predators.  

Sister Johnson said that this reminded her of a documentary that she had watched where elephants did this.  At night the elephants would place their young in the middle of the circle and then the older elephants would surround them.  This would protect them from lions and other predators.  She explained that the predators try to pick off their prey by separating them from the group because once they are separated it is much easier for the predator to make its kill.  

She explained how the adversary tries to do the same in our lives.  
Satan tries to separate us through contention like happened to the people in the Book of Mormon.  

She then asked the question, "How does separation cause us to feel? and What are some ways we can become united?"

  • Annette Ellis said, "Being alone leads to depression.
  • Lauralee Hansen said, "In the Temple before their shift begins, they always meet together so they know what is going on and they can focus better on what they need to be doing."
  • Sister Phipps said that her family gets together at reunions and they are able to make a lot of quilts that bless the lives of others. 
  • Pat Allison said that she and her sisters get together also to make quilts for refugees.
  • Anne Welling told of a time on their mission when they were the only members of the church in an area.  So there was no one else to meet with on Sundays.  Their mission president had them fly to another city once a quarter to meet with other saints, because they needed to have that unity in their lives.
  • Sister Johnson's mother (who was visiting) told of how when her husband was the mission president in Portugal, she didn't really know the language at first.  This was very hard for her because at church no one wanted to sit by her because of her lack of communication skills.  She was blessed to have the bishop's wife befriend her.  She also said that, Satan wants us to feel isolated and alone.

Sister Jamie then went on to say, "Like the butterflies and the elephants, we must gather together to strengthen and protect ourselves from the adversary.  There is great strength in gathering.

The second key is OPEN HEARTS
Elder Holland said, "Love comes with open hands and open hearts."

The problem with this is that we sometimes build up walls around our hearts and then it is harder to achieve unity in our Relief Society.  Sometimes we've been hurt or offended or wounded in the past, so to avoid future hurt, we build walls around our hearts to protect them.  By doing so, we don't fully let others into our hearts.

Sister Johnson then posed the questions, "What are some of the walls we build around ourselves? and What do some of these walls look like?"
Sister Johnson's object lesson was a doll with walls of wood built around her.

  • Sometimes we smile and pretend we're fine even when we're not.  
  • Sister Phipps said when we are fearful we build walls.
  • Bonnie Clark said when we are hurt we build walls.
  • Pat Allison said that when we are afraid of being different we build walls to protect ourselves.
  • Sister Allison's granddaughter-in-law said that a lot of people disconnect by using their devices.  She also said that to correct this we need to find a friend that we can open up to.
Jamie then asked, "How do we get through the walls that others have built around their hearts?"

Sister Johnson told the story of a family.  The father had been very ill and they were being picked up from the airport by their children.  When the children saw them one of the daughters asked her father how he was doing.  He looked at her and said fine.  The mother and another daughter began walking away and this daughter stayed by her father.  She then looked him in the eye and asked "How are you really doing?"  The father then told her he was not doing fine and was able to open up to her.  

Sister Johnson then said, "We need to connect with people and look them in the eye and ask, how are you really doing?"  Be sincere and  open so that they can open up to you.

  • Sister Clark said that we need to have empathy and sympathy for others.  
  • Sister Ashby suggested that we not be judgmental.  She said that we need to let them know that they are important.
  • Sister Annalee Ashby said that we need to be aware of our surroundings.  She said that if we are greeting someone in a grocery story with a lot of people around, it is not the time for someone to open up.  But if you feel that the person you are talking too needs to open up, find a place and a time and go visit them, or invite them to walk to a more secluded area to talk so that they can open up.
  • Sister Merlynn said, "As we strive to minister we will be lead by the Holy Ghost."
  • Sister Tonya Hess said that when something is shared with us, it is usually personal and we shouldn't share it with others.  We need to keep the confidences shared with us.
Sister Johnson said we need to pray to know the needs and feelings of the sisters in our ward, then act on those promptings, even if it is for sisters that we are not assigned to.

She then asked the question, "How do we break down our own walls so we can have an open heart?"

Sister Noreen Rawlins then told a story of a gentleman that she knew who when he was young, he was the only active member of his family.  He felt like no one really care if he went to church or not and so he decided to not go anymore.  After a time went by, he decided that it was up to him if he wanted to remain active or not, so he decided to return to church. 

This young man expected everyone to be so ecstatic when he returned.  However, when he returned, no one said anything to him.  He was sorely disappointed, but he knew that it was his decision to take responsibility to remain active and gain a strong testimony.  He wouldn't let others not befriending him turn him away.  

Later this young man learned that many were glad to see him return, they just hadn't known what to say to him when they first saw him.  He stayed active and is now the one that is first to show friendship to others.

Sister Johnson said, "The more we are grounded in His love, the opinion of others will not matter."

She also said that if we pray for the Lord's help, he will protect our hearts.  We will be able to open up to others without being hurt if they are not sincere.  


In Mosiah 18:21 it says, "And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another."

Sister Johnson then asked the sisters to look at the piece of string that they had cut earlier in the lesson.  She said that if you were to, you could break that piece of string in half easily.  However, she asked us to all put our pieces together.  She talked about how each color was different.  There were different lengths.  But together they were beautiful.  And together they were strong enough that they couldn't be broken. 

She talked about how if she asked all of us to sing the first verse of our favorite hymn how there would be a cacophony of sound.  It would be chaos.  However, if we were to all sing the same verse of the same song, we would have harmony and it would sound beautiful.  

Sister Aburto talked bout the early saints on the earth during the ministry of Jesus Christ.  She says how in Acts it says several times that they were of one accord.  They were unified.  Then Sister Aburto says, "We can suppose that the reason why they were so united is because they knew the Lord personally.  They had been close to Him, and they had been witnesses of His divine mission, of the miracles that He performed, and of His resurrection.  They saw and touched the marks in His hands and feet.  They knew with certainty that He was the promised Messiah, the Redeemer of the world.  They knew that He is the source of all healing, peace and eternal progress."

Even though we may not have seen our Savior with our physical eyes, we can know that He lives.  As we draw closer to Him, as we seek to receive a personal witness through the Holy Ghost of His divine mission, we will have a better understanding of our purpose; the love of God will dwell in our heart; we will have the determination to be one in the kaleidoscopes of our family, wards, and communities; and we will minister to each other "in newer, better ways."

"Like the monarch butterflies, let us continue on our journey together in purpose, each of us with our own attributes and contributions, working to make this a more beautiful and  fruitful world - one small step at a time and in harmony with God's commandments.

We need every person.  We need every part.  We need every instrument in the Lord's orchestra.  Every part is important and so is every instrument.  Together we can blend our voices to make one great symphony as we harmonize our voices and instruments to testify of Christ and minister together in His cause.

We can be a beautiful kaleidoscope of butterflies gathered together in strength and harmony as we journey home together to our Father in Heaven.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

August RS Council

*WARD PARTY will be August 14 @ 6 pm at the Fielding Park.
*ENRICHMENT NIGHT ~ Because of the ward party, our enrichment night will be moved back to September.
*STAKE PARTY - (Formerly know as Early Park Roundup)  Will be held Aug. 11 @ Peterson Park in Elwood at 6 pm.
Today's Relief Society Council meeting was facilitated by Sister Tammy Jensen.

Tammy began our council meeting by asking two questions, but prior to those questions she said that research has shown that people learn better when principles are taught through stories.  The questions were then posed; Is there a relationship in your life that has been or that you feel was Heaven Sent?  Can you think of an experience that would demonstrate that this is so?

Then Sister Jensen went on to tell the story of a friend that she had. This friend was always, Tammy felt, a fashionista.  She felt that this friend was really someone that had a flair for fashion.  So one night this friend and Tammy had planned on going to a Celine Dion concert.  Prior to the concert her friend turned up with two sequined gowns.  They both put them on.  Tammy said that they looked like two disco balls, due to the fact that they were both pregnant.  One eight months and one seven.  This friend kept telling Tammy how wonderful she looked throughout the evening.  They attended the concert and Tammy said they had a great time, but they stood out. Tammy only saw three people that weren't wearing black that night, and they were two of the three.  Their dresses were blue and red.  When they got home they couldn't look at each other without laughing.  Tammy has fond memories from this experience.  This friendship has given her great joy over the years.

Then Sister Annalee Ashby told of the relationship that she felt was heaven sent.  This was with her sister-in-law Tasha.  She said that she never thought that she would have had a friend that she loved like she does Tasha.  

The story that came to her mind was that of when she was in nursing school.  Whenever Tasha was here visiting family she would help Annalee.  They would make flash cards and study for tests.  Tasha would also calm her down when she was upset.  Tasha always seemed to know what Annalee needed.  She would suggest that Annalee and her say a prayer when it was needed, or she would suggest doing something fun if Annalee was stressed.  She just always had an innate sense of what Annalee needed.  She had helped Annalee often through all of the years that they have known each other.  Annalee said she feels like Tasha is someone she wants to be like, because she is so loving and giving.  

Then Sister Jensen asked the sisters in the room to think of words that described both stories. Then she limited it to five words.  The words that were given were:

Time and 
Unconditional love (okay so there were 6 given)

Next, she asked for more sisters to share their stories.  So, Sister Tonya Hess shared how her friend Sister Jeri Garn and she had been called to serve Sister Cheryl Rose who lives in the ward.  Sister Rose had had several health problems.  Sister Hess talked about what a blessing it was to have Jeri assigned with her because Jeri knew what Sister Rose's needs would be, because she is a nurse.  

At times Jeri and Tonya would text back and forth with each other regarding what they thought Cheryl would need and what they could do to help her.  She remembered several times Jeri would tell Tonya that Cheryl would just need time to heal.  They would text with Sister Rose's daughter to make sure that things were okay with Cheryl.  Then several months after she had healed and was better, they all got together and spent hours at a restaurant laughing and talking.  She felt that her relationship with both of these women has been a blessing.  

The next story was given by Sister Bonnie Ashby.  Her story was about when she was a little girl.  Sister Ashby's mother as a child had taken piano lessons, but then quit, and began singing for her teacher.  Because of that, her mother decided that Bonnie and her siblings as children were going to take piano.  

They lived in Howell at one time and she remembers her mother driving them all over to Beaver Dam for lessons every week.  They would sit for two hours as each was given their lesson.  Sister Ashby thinks of all of the time and commitment that went into taking four children each week for lessons. 

Sister Ashby remembers her mother telling them that they could do dishes or they could practice.  She remembers loving to practice and she became quite good quite fast.  She was able to become proficient enough to accompany her mother with her singing.  And because of this she has had several opportunities in her life to play for others.  She played for the school for nineteen years accompanying the choir.  She remembers her mother coming to listen to the choir.  Her mother was very devoted and so proud of Sister Ashby.

Sister Tammy asked us to think of five more words that described these two stories.  The words were:


Sister Jensen then told a story of when she was in another ward, she was helping organize an activity for the young women and their mothers.  She had invited a sister to come and speak.  When this woman got up to speak at the event, she said something that touched Tammy deeply.  This sister said, "Sisters I have been praying for two weeks to know what the Lord wanted me to talk about, and He just wants you to know how much He loves you." 

As Tammy was preparing for today, she said that her ways are not the Lords ways.  She wanted to take the lesson in one direction,  and he kept inspiring her that we needed to know; that through all of our human experiences, we get those sweetest moments of heaven sent love.  We get to experience a little piece of how much the Lord loves us; loves you, loves me, loves our children, loves our husbands, and our fathers and mothers.  

As you look at the words that we came up with, can you think of a time when you have felt His love or a piece of His love?

Tammy then told of a time when she was in a connection with another person that was within a circle of her influence.  She had been given the prompting that she was to do something for this person in her group.  Tammy felt that if she did this, it would have put her in a very vulnerable social position.  So she was scared to do it.  This prompting had gone on for about three weeks. 

One morning she was doing her personal devotion and as she pondered on the feelings that she had been given from the Lord, it was so very like a mother's pleading toward her baby.  She then told of how the Lord pleads for us.  She learned this from this experience.  She then did what the Lord asked her to do for this person and it bore beautiful fruit. 

Sister Tammy Ward then share an experience that she had.  She told of her grandmother.  Her grandmother had been in a car accident and was in the hospital.  Tammy had been to visit her and felt that things would be okay.  Tammy left and went home to Brigham City where she was living at the time.  A couple of days later she received a phone call from her mother telling her that her grandmother had passed away.  Tammy was not expecting this.  She always had felt that this grandmother would always be there, so she was very angry and shocked.  It really threw her.  She got down on her knees and told the Lord how taking her grandmother was not fair.  Tammy told the Lord, "She doesn't even know how much I love her."  Tammy said at that exact moment, she felt her grandmother's hand on her shoulder.  And she heard in her mind, "Well, now I do."  And it was like she could feel Tammy's love for her.  In exchange Tammy felt the massive amount of love that her grandmother had for her and simultaneously she also felt how much Heavenly Father loved her.  She cried because she felt so much love.  She felt such an overwhelming feeling of love.

Sister April Smith then shared the story of her and her husband Derek and when he was hurt.  She said that she had Derek had been struggling.  Morgan was a baby, not even more than a couple of months old.  She had been attending church, but just attending and taking her children.  Then she said there was the day that Derek fell.  She said she knew that something had happened.  She felt that something wasn't right, something was off.  It was right before Christmas.
She said that it had been hard right before Derek's fall.  That she had been talking with the Lord.  She said, "no matter what you do to wake him up, just don't take him."  She remembers saying this over and over.  She talked to his aunt with whom she was very close and who became her best friend because of this trial.  She was April's rock through the whole trial.  She remembers telling the Lord to please don't take him.

The day he fell, a policeman came to her house and told her he only had less than an hour to live.  She said, "Okay" and they went right to the hospital.  She had a neighbor that came and sat with her children.  She went into the hospital and there was Derek.  There was so much damage done when he fell.  His whole left side is now titanium because they had to rebuild his whole side. 

She remembers that the first thing Derek said to her when she got there was that he needed a blessing.  She got an overwhelming feeling of, "I told you it would be okay."  She said she knew it was the Lord.  She walked into the hall and looked up and she said, "You did what I asked, so here we go."  She said that she was inspired as to who she needed to call and what she needed to do.  She knew she couldn't do it on her own. 

When she looks back on the whole experience now, she can see how both she and Derek were carried the entire way.  They were never alone during this whole trial.  She knows she was held in the Lord's hands, because there was no way she could have gone through it alone.  She knows there were people that prayed for them and they knew the Lord was there and He answered her prayers.

The words that were given for these stories were:


We were asked by Sister Jensen to look at our papers and the experiences we wrote down at the start of the lesson.  An earthly relationship or a relationship that we felt was heaven-sent.  Then we were asked to think of our ministering sisters.  Sister Tammy said, "If you feel a little resistance to that suggestion it is okay."  Maybe take just a minute and ponder, because as she did this herself, she had to say to herself, those relationships are not the same right now.  The ministering sisters that she is over, don't quite compare to the first story she told of her friend.  She has a lot of love for her friend that she talked about in the first story.  

There is no guilt.  We all get a free pass on this, because some of these relationships are just beginning.  But maybe is there hope that we can feel that in our ministering assignments?  Can we have at some point that same richness?

In Matthew 5:46 it says, "For if you love them which love you, what reward have ye?  Do not even the publicans the same?"  But in the verse prior to this one, it says, "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he taketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and senders rain on the just and on the unjust."

Heavenly Father wants us to become his children.  He invites us to be one.  To have the joy that those heavenly moments bring to our lives.  That we can feel the clarity of His love and what it will be like on the other side of the veil and can possibly be here.  

Can we as sisters see a clear path in how we can achieve this with our ministering sisters?  Perhaps you are already there, but is there a way to improve and deepen those relationships?  Is there a way to feel that love and how you might increase this in your life?

The challenge is to think of a ministering sister, a neighbor, or someone in the ward.  Think of just one relationship that you would like to improve on.  If you have the time or if you have someone in your family that has needs.  Just improve on one relationship.  

Write down three things of how you might bring the same depth to this new relationship that would make it a heaven-sent one.  Perhaps things that you can do.  Things that you can think.  Ways that you can feel.   If you can't think of three things, then ask.  Sometimes those that ask good questions are able to get better answers.  Maybe ask what are three things I can do or what is one thing I can do to improve or open a path for me to feel that kind of love.  With the Lord it is always win/win.  

So this is our challenge for this month.  Try to improve on a relationship.  Try to make it a heaven-sent one and to increase your love for another.  

Tammy told one last experience that she had.  She was given a sister to visit.  As she knocked and the sister answered the door, she  had the feeling that there are so many problems here.  She walked away thinking I don't know how I can ever love this sister.  She didn't love her.  The whole environment was difficult.  She wanted to, but didn't know how.  As she walked away, she prayed in her heart, "Lord, please give me your love for her.  Please show me the way."  

The next time Tammy saw her, all those things that had been in the way, all the impediments were gone.  She didn't see her the same way.  She felt like that has been a gift from Heavenly Father. 

As she has studied for today, she has felt that as we love Him, He gives us that love to love others.  And we are able to keep the first two commandments.  They are invitations to us more than commandments to increase our joy.  

Such a beautiful lesson and discussion given today.  Please pray about and search to improve upon those relationships that can and will be a blessing in your lives.