To begin the lesson off, Sister Ward asked the sisters to look at all of the empty seats that were in the Relief Society room. She asked the sisters attending to pray in their hearts for those sisters that were missing.
Sister Ward then told of a time when she was a child and she would attend church. She would often cry because she felt sad when they would sing the songs about being eternal families in heaven. Her family was not sealed and she thought she would be alone in heaven.
She then read the following quotes from Elder Renlund's talk:
"When we gather our family histories and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills promised blessings simultaneously on both sids of the veil."
"As we participate in family history and temple work today, we also lay claim to "healing" blessings promised by prophets and apostles. These blessings are also breathtakingly amazing because of their scope, specificity and consequence in mortality. This long list includes:
- Increased understanding of the Savior and His atoning sacrifice;
- Increased influence of the Holy Ghost to feel strength and direction for our own lives;
- Increased ability and motivation to learn and repent because of an understanding of who we are, where we come from, and a clearer vision of where we are going;
- Increased refining, sanctifying, and moderating influences in our hearts;
- Increased joy through an increased ability to feel the lover of the Lord;
- Increased family blessings, no matter our current, past or future family situation or how imperfect our family tree may be;
- Increased love and appreciation for ancestors and living relatives, so we no longer feel alone;
- Increased power to discern that which needs healing and thus, with the Lord's help, serve others;
- Increased protection from temptations and the intensifying influence of the adversary; and
- Increased assistance to mend troubled, broken or anxious hearts and make the wounded whole.
Sister Ward commented that our ancestors that were pioneers were strong and had endurance and stamina.
Sister Stringham said, If you are going to the temple it blesses both sides.
Sister Ward then asked, "Do you have a loved one on the other side of the veil? If you could, wouldn't you want to be a blessing to them?"
Tammy then told of how she had been helping her mom clean out boxes that she had from Tammy's grandmother. In the boxes they found some old VHS tapes. When Tammy watched them, they had her grandmother's voice singing songs and telling stories. What a blessing it was for Sister Ward to hear her grandmother many years after she had passed on.
Sister Teri Garn said that we can put stories and songs from ourselves and others on Family Search.
When you know about these blessings it helps us focus and want to do our temple and family history work more.
Elder Renlund said, "This is far more than an encouraged hobby, because the ordinances of salvation are necessary for all of God's children. We are to identify our own ancestors who died with our receiving the ordinances of salvation. We can perform the ordinances vicariously in temples, and our ancestors may choose to accept the ordinances. We are also encouraged to help ward and stake members with their family names."
One of the sister in our ward shared this testimony of family history work. "As I've worked on family history my testimony of so many gospel principles has grown. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that families are forever, that God has a plan for us, and that He sends angels to guide and watch over us.
So many times as I am doing research and temple work I feel the presence of family members from beyond the veil. They are so excited to have their work done, and many times I know they have offered assistance in finding the necessary records so their names can be taken to the temple.
One experience that I hold dear to my heart is when I was going to the temple to do baptisms, confirmations and initiatory work with my little brother. One of the names we were doing that day was my third great-grandfather's, Richard Cundall. As I was driving to Ogden I had some church music playing and kept hearing, "Turn off your music." I thought, "I'm on my way to the temple and church music helps me be more in-tune, why would I turn it off?" The I heard it again, "Turn off your music." As soon as I did I felt the most powerful feeling of the Spirit. I knew my Grandfather Cundall was there with me. Words cannot describe the feelings of the rest of that drive. I was able to feel his words to me and was able to promise him that I would find the rest of his family and have their work completed. I know if he and other members of my family were given the opportunity in this life to accept the gospel they would have, but since they didn't have the opportunity it is my blessing and obligation to make sure that work is performed for them now so they can progress in eternity.
Yeas later, I received a priesthood blessing that told me that as I continued working on my family history that family from beyond the veil will watch over and protect my family and that at times I would be able to clearly recognize their protecting power. I can testify that that has been the case in my life. The veil has been quite thin at times and I have been able to recognize many things as direct blessings from doing family history.
Know the promises given from the prophets and apostles about family history work are true. I will never doubt the strength that has come into my life by participating in the great work of performing ordinances for our family members that they cannot perform for themselves."
Sister Tammy Ward asked the sisters if any had experiences that they wanted to share:
Sister Kelbie Jackson shared that her grandmother was a convert. She (Her grandmother) did her sisters work about 10 years ago and then her great-aunt's family also joined the church. That same grandmother's brother died a couple of years ago and Kelbie's family had his work done. They were praying about how to help this brother's family find the gospel. One of the grandsons in this family had decided to go on a mission and he was called to serve where one of this brother's son's lived. That uncle and several members of his family joined the church.
Tammy told of a man that she had been exchanging emails with who was a relative, but was not a member. He sent her a book that was full of names that she found were related and that needed their work done.
Sister Ward said, "When you do this work, you will receive help from the other side,"
Sister Norene Rawlins said in her family there is a line of Native Americans. Someone in this line married a frenchman. Sister Rawlins couldn't find anything on this man and the work had stalled. Sister Rawlins and her family had moved to Colorado and while she was unpacking boxes she had the distinct feeling that she should go to the library. She thought to herself, "Here I am unpacking and I am too busy to go to the library." However, she did end up going to the library. She didn't know what she was looking for and so just started looking at books. The librarian came over to her and asked if she could help. Sister Rawlins told her that she needed information on this man and called him by name. The librarian told sister Rawlins that she was just reading about this man and then she gave her more information about him. Sister Rawlins was blessed by following the promptings of the Spirit.
Sister Ward told of when she lived her senior year with her father and grandfather. She came to love this grandfather very much. He was not a member of the church. Tammy went to the temple a couple of years ago to do an endowment session for her great-grandmother. As she was sitting in the session the ordinance worker smiled at Tammy and kept doing so to the point that Tammy became uncomfortable. After the session, the worker came over to Tammy and asked if she could feel the spirit of the woman whom she had done the work for. Tammy said she could then distinctly feel her great-grandmother there with her. This ordinance worker could see Tammy's great-grandmother. Tammy then realized that it was her grandfather's birthday. She hadn't realized the connection until later.
So how do we begin this work?
Sister Lauralee Hansen said, "Because of a name that kept repeating in her family, she looked for others with that same name and began that way."
Those on the other side are truly watching over us.
Sister Pat Allison said that you can use DNA kits to find family ties.
Sister Cheri Smith told of when she was at a funeral of a relative that someone gave her a piece of paper with a phone number on it. She was prompted to call that number and because of it some of her family history work began there.
If you need help with your family history work, the people in our ward that are called and can help you are:
Brother Jeri Richards
Sister Teri Garn
Sister Lynda Garn
We appreciate all of the time and effort our teachers take in preparing these lessons. The Spirit that was felt in this lesson was wonderful and we hope that those that were unable to attend will soon be back with us as they are truly missed. Thanks to everyone that commented and shared experiences.