Anne Welling - Ministering:
How do we go about ministering?
We want you to meet the needs of your sisters! If they need a monthly visit or weekly visit, please visit the accordingly. If they need a text or phone call, please do so. But be sure to visit at times so that you can get to know your sisters. As your sisters what their needs are, then see to those needs. Pray and ask how you can fulfill their needs.
Pray about your partner and how you can serve and uplift them also. As ministers we not only need to serve our sisters, but we need to be aware of our partner and their needs.
Let your sisters know who you are! Get to know your sisters so that if and when they have a need, you are the one that they would call on.
The lesson today was Teaching in the Home ~ A Joy and Sacred Responsibility by Devin G Durrant. Sister Jamie Johnson was the teacher today.
Sister Johnson showed the video "Just A Mom". She talked about how our efforts as women matter. No matter our role. Women were made to be nurturers. We are always to be grown g and improving, but we shouldn't beat ourselves up. We should try to do the best we can.
Moving on to the lesson, Sister Johnson said that Elder Durrant had five points of teaching that he discussed in his talk.
#1) Teaching in Family Home Evening:
How can we teach during Family Home Evening and make it a fun activity where learning is key?
Sister Kathy Pinborough said, "Make it fun. Don't give up. You are doing better than you think."
It was discussed how even Elder Bednar's family struggled with the children commenting "He's breathing my air!" No family is exempt from the chaos of Family Home Evening.
Sister Teri Garn said that the first of ever month they held a FHE with relatives. Her children looked forward to it because they were able to be with cousins and create stronger relationships.
Sister Bonnie Ashby told of how the Ashby family held a monthly prior to her marrying into the family and has continued to do that for the past 50 yrs.
Sister Annette Ellis said that her family enjoyed doing their son's scouting projects or studying the books, The First 100 Temples and Stories Behind the Hymns. As their boys got older they worked on using Preach My Gospel.
Sister Johnson also reiterated that we "Not make it more complicated than it needs to be."
Sister Tammy Ward told of how when she was young her brothers used to give her a hard time as she organized and planned out as well as gave the FHE lessons in her family. She said that this prepared her for her mentoring that she does not as she is no longer afraid of standing in front of people and giving her thoughts. She also told of one time when her family made shields and had aluminum balls that they threw at each other that represented the fiery darts. She said they had a really fun time and all of her children remember that FHE. Her family also has at times done home canning borrowing the cannery machine that does #10 cans and when they are done they also do a can with spiritual experiences that they have had in the previous 6 months so they can read them later.
Sister Johnson told of a time when her mother researched a family member and then for FHE she dressed up and acted like she was that person, telling her story. Jamie really remembers that time and how it gave her an appreciation for her mother and for her relative.
Annette Ellis also said that they did an annual budgeting lesson.
Sister Gregory told of a time when she was on her mission when they had perspective converts (Children) dress up and act out scripture stories so that they would understand them better.
There are so many ideas for FHE and teaching our families.
#2) Family Prayer Teaching
What are some ideas on how to teach through prayer?
One of the sisters said that when we pray, we need to express how much we love our children in prayer and do it by their names. Pray for individuals you know are having problems and trials.
Sister Christina Smith said, "We need to point out things we are grateful for in our prayers and the things that people have done for us."
Sister Tina Gregory said that when they have the opportunity to Skype with their missionaries, they always end their calls with a family prayer. I thought that was an exceptional idea and one that I wish we had done.
Sister Jamie told of how Katie Hess' family has a family motto that they say together after their family prayers.
#3) On-Call Teaching
How do we prepare for on-call teaching?
Sister Johnson talked about how we as parents and grandparents need to be ready at a moment notice to teach.
Sister Christina told of a time when her children were in High School. She said that she had gotten on her computer and found things that shouldn't have been there. She went to the school and got one of her son's and took him for a ride, letting him know she was concerned. She said that he opened up to her and she had a wonderful conversation and it helped deter further problems.
Sister Glori commented that we need to pray to know and be prepared.
Sister Ashby said that we need to listen to our children when they are young to the things that are important to them. Then when they are older there will trust us and know it is okay to talk to us when they are older.
This lesson was so full of information that we weren't able to finish all of it and Sister Johnson encouraged all of us to go home and continue to read this talk. By doing the things that are talked about in this lesson, we will be prepared to make our homes feel like heaven.