Sister Tammy Jensen started the lesson out by having the sister's listen to a song about Heavenly Father answering our prayers and asked all of us to ponder times in our own lives that our prayers have been answered. While we were listening to the song she listed ideas on the board of times we may have had prayers answered. Some of the times she listed were; trials and hardships, moving, marriage, college, health, and many others.
After the song she opened it up for discussion, asking the sisters to share times when their prayers have been answered.
A sister started by sharing what she was was a simple one.....but she felt was a good example because Heavenly Father is with us in all things. The big and the small. She recalled a time that she couldn't find her hearing aides. This was troubling to her since she has a hard time hearing. She said a prayer and had a feeling to look in her garbage. She thought that was strange. Why would she look in the garbage?! She acted on the prompting though. She opened the garbage and lifted a paper and there were her hearing aides! She was so relieved.
Another sister shared how she feels its important to say a prayer before interacting with the kids we works with in her occupation. Sometimes the interactions can be difficult and saying a prayer can guide her with what needs to be said or done. In one of the instances she recalled it helped her to know what to say to help the boy she was trying to talk to, to calm down. Tammy added that often this can help us in parenting too. We can pray to know what our kids need or what we need to say to them.
We often can see prayers answered when we or our loved ones are struggling with our/their health.
A sister shared a time that tiny, infant daughter required open heart surgery. Somehow she had been given too much medicine and was in ICU while the doctors were monitoring her. She felt helpless not being able to be right by her little girl. Her and her mom were in the waiting room struggling knowing what to do when right than, two missionaries got off the elevator. It was an answer to prayer. She asked them to come and give her little girl a blessing. The doctors allowed them to come back for that short time to give the little girl a blessing. And it provided her mom and grandma with comfort at that time as well.
Another sister recounted a time recently when she was hiking with friends in Capital Reef. During their hike her friend started to have an anxiety attack. She didn't think she could continue. The only problem is that in this hike, you have to continue on to get out, unless a helicopter comes in to get you. This sister said a prayer. Asking for comfort for her friend and for them to know what to do. The friend was able to be comforted and they were able to continue and finish their hike.
One sister recalled in college, that she was dating two men. She was trying to decide which was the right choice for her. She took this decision to the Lord. She explained that that decision has had a direct impact on the rest of her life. It is the reason that she is here in Fielding.
Another sister shared her experience of having a baby in the NICU. She felt so torn between her infant baby and her family at home. But she was also struggling with not being able to soak in the newborn stage that comes and goes all too quickly. She hadn't shared these fears and frustrations with anyone, other than Heavenly Father in prayer. One day while sitting in the NICU with her baby the nurse came in and said exactly what her heart needed to hear. He explained to her that she wasn't missing out on the newborn stage. That her baby was getting stronger and healthier so that she could bring him home and enjoy that stage soon.
One sister described how one of her children has struggled with developmental delays, and through this struggle she started to worry about her next child. It became a constant worry for her, whether he was meeting the developmental stages at the right time or not. She took this worry to the Lord and received comfort and peace. Even though she said she didn't receive a direct answer on whether he will ever struggle with that or not. She did receive comfort knowing that he is ok and that no matter what they will know what they need to do.
A sister reminded us that prayer doesn't always have to be done kneeling and with our eyes closed. She said she spends alot of time driving in her car and this is when she will often pray to Heavenly Father about things she is struggling with.
Another sister said that she has learned when praying for something, she needs to remember that to often say.....Heavenly Father please help with ....... but if not than.........
Often our prayers are not answered the way we think they should be. And that is ok.
One sister told us to remember to look for answers to prayers in things that are important to us. Heavenly Father is aware of those and will answer us often in those ways. She said that music is a huge part of her life and she often gets answers to her prayers through music.
A sister also reminded us that we need to be willing to accept God's will. Even when it might not be our own. To pray to him with the desires of our hearts, but to tell him that we accept his will, not ours. Sometimes the answers to our prayers come in ways that we don't expect. Or in a way we didn't think we wanted.
Another sister recounted how she taught her little boy that you can pray to Heavenly Father about anything. She asked him if he wanted to pray to Heavenly Father and thank him for the rain that had received that day. This opened up a great discussion about how Heavenly Father wants to hear from us and we can pray to him any time and any where. Her little boy immediately prayer to Heavenly Father and thanked him for cars.
Tammy gave us some tips on how to make our prayers more meaningful.
She reminded us to pray for something specific. She shared a story of how she was looking for heart-shaped hoop earrings. And she was very specific in what she needed. She prayed for this and was able to find not just one kind of heart-shaped hoop earrings, but so many!
She also said that writing questions down or concerns we have, helps us to know what and how to pray for them.
She said that a prayer journal as been really helpful for her. As well as setting a timer for how long she is going to pray for. She reminded us that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us and wants to hear from us.
When are times that Heavenly Father has answered your prayers? We can pray to Heavenly Father with simple concerns, as well as the big concerns of our hearts. He is there to answer all of our prayers.