Sister Tammy Ward lead the discussion we had today in Relief Society based on the talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf from this last conference.
Sister Tammy started the discussion out by dividing the class into two sections. then assigned each section a topic.
Light and Spiritual Wellness, and the other Darkness - Stagnation. Each group was given 5 minutes to come up with as many meaning of light in The Light of the World section of the talk and the other group what Darkness and Stagnation does for us in the Darkness and Light section. Some of the things that were found in the lesson,
Light and Spiritual Wellness:
- Light is available to all
- Enlightens and Saturates
- Perfect Brightness of Hope
- He who follows Christ will receive Light
- Christ is the Light of the World
- Influence Spiritual Healing
- Darkness vanishes in the presence of light
- The Light of Christ feels the Universe
Darkness - Stagnation:
- Dims our Vision
- Reduces Visibility
- Make Poor Choices
- Lose Hope
- Can't see Danger
- Night is just a Shadow
- Become forgetful
- Can feel Joy in Darkness
- Satan works to put us in the Shadows
Sister Tammy Ward then asked if anyone wanted to share experiences of being in darkness and how they were able to come back to the light. Several sisters commented and told of their experiences. One sister mentioned how after the birth of one of her children she suffered from postpartum depression she was able to have the Saviors help by relying on him more and realizing she could not fight this alone, this helped her bring light and meaning back into her life. Another sister talked about how she had to make a conscious effort and dig deep to find her light and keep it. Its a daily challenge. So many great experiences were shared and you could feel the spirit of this lesson bring light to everyone. One sister commented When you can't find your own light you have to find strength and comfort from other peoples light, your Family, Friends, Ward Members we all have light to share.
We Are Bearers of Light
Every time you turn your hearts to God in humble prayer, you experience His light. Every time you seek His word and will in the scriptures, the light grows in brightness, Every time you notice someone in need and sacrifice your own comfort to reach out in love, the light expands and swells.Every time you reject temptation and choose purity, every time you seek or extend forgiveness, every time you courageously testify of truth, the light chases away darkness and attracts others who are also seeking light and truth,
Christ's light brings hope, happiness and healing of any spiritual wound or ailment, Those who experience this refining influence become instruments in the hands of the Light of the World to give light to others. They will feel what King Lamoni felt: "This light had infused such joy into his soul, the cloud of darkness having been dispelled, and... the light of everlasting life was lit up in his soul."
In conclusion Sister Ward stated No one is to deep in darkness that our Saviors Light can't find them and light their way. She then challenged each one of us to find ways to help others brighten their Light.