Today we began the new directive from the Church leadership. We held a Relief Society Council that will now be done every first Sunday of the month. It was lead by our Relief Society President, Sister Tammy Jensen.
The question was presented today, "How can the Relief Society Council aid my personal Unity with Christ?"
Then Sister Jensen asked, "Where or what are 3 things that you are feeling in your heart that you personally would like to see progress in this year?"
For our first discussion on this matter, a sister stated that she was having a hard time feeling like she felt obligated to attend all church meetings. She felt she was always having to make a choice whether to tend to her family or attend her meeting (RS week night mtg). After a discussion amongst the sisters, it was discussed how there are many seasons in our lives and that we need to use personal revelation for ourselves as to how and when we need to attend meetings and take care of our families. All sister were urged to prayerfully consider when and when not to attend meetings.
Our second discussion was when a sister said she would like to increase her understanding of the scriptures. It was discussed how reading the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon can help us be more prepared to have the Spirit with us. It was suggested that sometimes it is easier to follow through with our scripture study if you have someone to whom you are accountable to, like a study partner or someone with whom you can text to let them know how you are doing with your studies.
Sister Merlyn Kent quoted President Monson during the discussion and I really liked it. President Monson said, "Look to the lighthouse of the Lord. There is no fog so dense, no light so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what it's beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life." We as sisters need to look to the Lord for answers. This can and will increase our personal unity with the Savior as we turn to his light.
So in summary ~ "Let the guilt go if you can't do it all! Do what you can. God will bless and uplift you for what you are able to do."
February's Council question:
How has reading the Book of Mormon aided in my personal Unity with Christ?