Our RS Council this week was a continuation on how we as sisters cannily ourselves more with Christ on a personal basis. Sister Kathy Pinborough was the facilitator leading the discussion. She posed the questions, "How do you put Christ first in your life? and How can we as sisters find Christ in our lives?" Sister Pinborough then mentioned how sharing our testimonies can uplift others. She then read to us Alma 4: 11-15. She then stated, "The Spirit of the Lord will not fail us if we keep the Spirit close." I also believe this. The Spirit was so strong in our Relief Society meeting.
Sister Pinborough's next question was, "What do you do to keep the Spirit close?" Sister Freeze a new sister in the ward told of how she was a school teacher of Special-needs children and how she loved her job. However, she and her husband were prompted that sister Freeze needed to make a career change. She went back to school and got her degree in Marriage and Family Counseling. She told of what a blessing it has been in her life as she has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that has greatly affected her life. But because she made the career change, she is able to work even on her bad days. The Lord will lead us, but we need to follow His promptings to gain the blessings.
Sister Joan Richards said that reading the scriptures help us to keep the Spirit close. Sister Michelle Ballard said that listening to uplifting music helps to keep the Spirit close. Then Sister Christina Smith reminded of the promises that President Nelson gave us about reading the scriptures in his last conference address.
Sister Pinborough then asked, "How can we share the scriptures with others?" Taitha Neal talked about how Sister Kent sends out a Monday Message to her grandchildren. Sister Terri Garn told of how she does Summer Scripture Seekers. This is where her grandchildren dress up in costumes and re-enact the scripture stories.
Sister Calli Richards mentioned that President Monson asked us to prayerfully study the scriptures. She talked about how Holden reminds their family to read their scriptures and then asks in his weekly email to them what they have learned that week in their scripture study. So as a family they hold each other responsible for reading the scriptures through emails and it is also posted on a missionary blog.
Sister Anne Welling told how she sent out emails to her children asking questions pertaining to certain scriptures. Some of their children answered those questions right away, but others kept the emails and are still working on the answers. When the families are finished the are rewarded by being given a gift of the LDS Family Book of Mormon.
Sister Pinborough said, "Nothing goes to wast that you share with others that has to do with the Gospel."
One sister talked about sharing Family History stories and how that helps bring the Spirit and lets it testify of those things that are good and that are happening and have happened in our ancestors lives.
Sister Andrea Stringham told of how when she was not a member of the church she worked with a group of women that she became great friends with. When these women found out she was becoming interested in the church, they gave her a Book of Mormon. Sister Stringham asked these women to mark their favorite scripture and then sign it. It is now a precious treasure to her and her family. This is a great idea. We should all be willing to write down our testimonies and give them to others or share them on social media.
Sister Pinborough's final question was, "Do we help lift others as we share the Gospel?"
It was discussed how the Friend and the other church magazines are a great way to share the Gospel. This can help our children and other family members understand the scriptures.
Sister Phipps told of how when she first came to our ward how she didn't know that the Relief Society had set a goal for each sister to read the Book of Mormon, but told of how she really felt the power of the Spirit within our ward. When we read the scriptures as an organization, others can feel the power of our testimonies when they come to visit.
During our Sacrament Meeting, sister Tammy Ward told the story of her family and how they studied the scriptures. She old of how they would all read a few verses and then it would move around the circle. Well, they weren't really paying attention and her husband, Brother Casey Ward didn't say anything, but he was the one that would begin the reading each time. He had them read the same chapter 31 days before anyone caught on that they were reading the same thing over and over. So sister Ward said during our RS discussion that we need to be present during scripture study. Phones need to be put away and we need to pay attention to what is being read.
It was discussed that if you can't read the scriptures, you could try to listen to them and they will still be a blessing in your life. A suggestion was made that as you listen you could carry around a notebook and you could write down promptings and inspiration that you receive as you listen.
Sisten Lana Coombs told of a friend that reads the Book of Mormon each month start to finish. When is is talking with others, she quotes it without being aware that she is doing it because it is such a part of who she is. What an amazing force for good we could be if we all did this and lifted others by just sharing it because it is naturally a part of us.
I so appreciated everyone that participated today and helped my testimony grow. I believe that as we do these things we can all befitted and more unified with our Savior.