Sister Jensen took a few minutes to discuss the new program announced at Aprils General Conference. Ministering to our neighbors, friends and ward sisters . Sister Jensen said they were moving forward with this new program, she invited each of us to ask in our prayers who we can help or serve.
Sister Jamie Johnson lead the discussion on Elder M. Russell Ballards April 2016 Ensign talk: Family Councils
Jamie started by telling everyone to open their hearts and minds and ask our Heavenly Father what he wants you to learn today. Don't let what others say discourage you and make you feel like your not doing enough in your families.
What is Family Council?
Time to listen
Problem- solving
Highlight good things families are doing
Don't air differences
Electronics in a baskets
Blessing of family councils
Quality time together
Help spot problems
Real results{ doing it the lords way}
Care and love
Trust their judgement
Strengthen, protect, safeguard and nurture our most precious relationships
Combined with prayer it invites the Savior
Successful and happy
Home can be a heaven on earth
Councils have always been needed, They are in fact, eternal. We belonged to a family council in the premortal existence, when we lived with our heavenly parents as their spirit children.
Family councils are different from family home evening held on Mondays, Home evenings focus primarily on gospel instruction and family activities. Family councils on the other hand can be held on any day of the week and they are primarily a meeting where parents listen to each other and to there children.
We focused on 4 different types of Family Councils
1. General Family Council: consisting of the entire family
2. Executive Family Council: consisting of a mother and father
3. Limited Family Council: consisting of parents and one child
4. One on One Family Council: consisting of one parent and one child.
General Councils: can consist of talking over schedules, planning trips discuss family problems, work out finances ect..
*Anne Welling talked about having a council regularly with her friends she credits these councils in being one of the biggest reason they are still great friends today.
*Jessica White liked the quote at the beginning of the lesson " When parents are prepared and children listen and participate in the discussion the family council is truly working..
Executive Council: This involves only the parents. This is a great time for parents to talk about their personal relationships with each other.
*Tina Gregory mentioned we need to let our children know that they don't need to know everything sometimes mom and dad just need to talk.
*Calli Richards said now they use the Executive Council most. With only one child at home it helps them to find out between each other whats happening in their childrens life. mostly because one of them may talk to one child and the other may talk to another. Executive Councils help them come together and know what they can do for their children
Limited Council: Here both parents spend time with an individual child in a formal or informal setting. This is a time to listen to serious concerns and challenges a child may have.
* Merlyn Kent mentioned we need to remember to write down any decisions we make so we remember what we can do to help our child.
One on One Council: Involving one parent and one child. An outing with each child. Interviews, dates , whatever works for your family!
* Tammy Ward said her husband would do a monthly one on one with each child. The kids would confide in him a lot better then her.
Sister Jamie ended with: Now brothers and sisters, there was a time when the walls of our homes provided all the defense we needed against outside intrusions and influences. We locked the doors, closed the windows; we shut the gates and we felt safe,secure and protected in our own little refuge from the world.
Those days are now gone. The physical walls, doors, fences and gates in our homes cannot prevent unseen invasions from the Internet, the Wi-Fi the mobile phone, the networks. They can penetrate our home with just a few clicks and keystrokes.
Fortunately, the Lord has provided a way to counter the invasion of negative technology that can distract us from spending quality time with each other. He as done this by providing us the council system to protect, strengthen, safeguard and nurture our most precious relationships, Please remember that a family council held regularly will help us spot family problems early and nip them in the bud; councils will give each family member a feeling of worth and importance; and most of all they will assist us to be more successful and happy in our precious relationships within the walls of our homes.