Sunday, April 29, 2018


     Today was the fifth Sunday and the RS and the Priesthood brethren met in the cultural hall for this discussion.  Brother Brian Hess was the facilitator of this discussion.

     In the Sunday afternoon session of this past General Conference President Nelson made this announcement.  "For months we have been seeking a better way to minister to the spiritual and temporal needs of our people in the Savior's way.  
     We have made the decision to retire home teaching and visiting teaching as we have known them."

     What is the purpose of the changes to Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums?  
     Having one Melchizedek Priesthood quorum in a ward unifies priesthood holders to accomplish all aspects of the work of salvation, including temple and family history work previously coordinated by the high priests group leader.  It allows quorum members of all ages and back grounds to benefit from the perspective and experiences of those in different stages of life.  It also provides additional opportunities for experienced priesthood holders to mentor others, including prospective elders, new members, young adults, and those returning to Church activity. 

     These adjustments help elders quorums and Relief Societies coordinate their work.  They also simplify the quorum's coordination with the bishopric and ward council.  And they allow the bishop to delegate more responsibilities to the elders quorum and Relief Society presidents to he and his counselors can focus on their primary duties - particularly presiding over the Aaronic Priesthood and young women.

     1) What is ministering?

     The Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for HIs Father and for each person.  He loved, taught, prayed for, comforted, and blessed those around Him, inviting all to follow Him.  As Church members minister, they prayerfully seek to serve as He would - to "comfort those that stand in need of comfort," "watch over the church always and be with and strengthen them," "visit the house of each member," and help each become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

     As members minister, they determine through communication and inspiration the frequency and type of contact they have with those to whom they give care.  They counsel with and render an account to their leaders least once a quarter regarding their service and the needs and strengths of those for whom they have ben invited to care.  Leaders report these ministering interviews each quarter; they no longer report the number of visits or contacts made to individuals and families.  In addition, through a priesthood link to each member, ministering brothers and sisters for a communication network leaders may use in a time of danger or emergency.  

     We as a group watched the video put out by the church.  Here is the link:  We would invite all to watch this video.

     At the end of the video, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland invited us to be better and to serve one another.

     2)  How is ministering similar to and different from Home and Visiting teaching?
Similarities are:

  • D&C 20:47, 59 state:  47) And visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties.  59) They are, however, to warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ. 
  • Each home will have assigned priesthood brethren as ministers.
  • Relief Society sisters will be assigned sister to whom they will minister.
Differences are:
  • No longer must contacts be formal visits.
  • One companionship quarterly interview will be held instead of monthly visit reports.  
  • Young women ages 14 yrs and older will be assigned to serve as ministering sisters.
     Brother Hess had the scripture Matthew 5:17-18 read.  It states, " Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

     For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
     Bro Hess told how the missionary program changed.  In the years prior to 2004 each missionary was to memorize and give the lessons in order to each prospective new convert.  However, in 2004 the church came out with the Preach My Gospel directive, where each missionary was to read and study the gospel and then to share with prospective converts as they were directed to by the Spirit.  It no longer memorized nor was it dictated what they would teach.    This is how the new ministering program will be also.  We will each need to prayerfully consider the needs of our assigned brothers and sisters.  
    Brother Hess talked of how when we minister in the Savior's way, by truly caring and loving, doors will be opened and we will receive personal revelation; we will have the Spirit go with us as we minister to those we love.  We will all be more accountable to the Savior.
     Bishop Kent took a moment.  He asked, "how many are relived by this new ministering program?"  He then went on to teach about the great opportunity we have to teach as Christ taught.  He said that, "we need to come to the realization of the goodness of God.'"  Through the priesthood and ministering we can become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.  
     Two of the Aaronic priesthood age boys spoke in the priesthood meeting this morning.  One spoke on Learn, Act, Share.  The other spoke on being prepared in all times and all instances to be like God.  Bishop Kent said, "when we minister in the correct way, we will kneel and pray for the families we are assigned and as we do this, we will be able to Know, Act, and Share the Gospel as the Savior would want us to."  
     This new ministering will be a fluid thing.  Some will be asked to minister to a family only for a few days, some for months and others for years.  It will depend on what the Lord needs us to do and how He needs us to minister.  Each will be uniquely able to serve those to whom they are assigned.  
     There are many marvelous opportunities that we will have as we minister in the Lord's way.