Sister Johnson asked all of the sisters what meekness meant to them. Then she asked us to go to the lesson and look and find all of the descriptions of meekness that Elder Bednar gave in his talk. This is what was found.

Similar but different from meekness is humility. In the talk it said, "Humility generally denotes dependence upon God and the constant need for His guidance and support, a distinguishing characteristic of meeknessis a particular spiritual receptivity to learning both from the Holy Ghost and from people who may seem less capable, experienced, or educated, who may not hold important positions, or who otherwise may not appear to have much to contribute."
In the Webster dictionary Meekness is describes as such:
1: Enduring injury with patience and without resentment. (What we would see as being a doormat.)
2: deficient in spirit and courage.
3: not violent or strong.
But in the 1828 dictionary we get a totally different description:
1: Softness of temper; gentleness.
2: In an evangelical sense, humility; resignation; submission to the divine will.
Meekness is a grace which Jesus alone inculcated, and which no ancient philosopher seems to have understood or recommended.
Sister Johnson then separated the sisters into 3 groups. She asked the first group to read and comment on the differences between the Rich Young man spoken of in the New Testament and Amulek.
This was the group I was in. We saw a willingness in Amulek that the rich young man didn't have. Tammy Jensen commented on how the rich young man went away in sorrow because he knew he was trading dirt for diamonds.
Sister Andrea Stringham commented on how we need to be meek even though we are so blessed and how we need to keep ourselves from being worldly. Kathy Pinborough said that like Amulek we need to be Spiritually awakened. She also said, "The best experiences are found at church. That is why we need to keep coming."
The second group was to read about and see how Pahoran was meek. This was their findings:
He was grateful to Moroni. He didn't take offence at Moroni's rebuke. He was restrained and compassionate. Sister Cheri Smith commented that we shouldn't judge others until we've had to walk in their shoes. Pahoran was not a doormat.
The third group was to read about and show how President Nelson and also President Eyering were meek. This is what they found: They were active in following and they were righteously responsive to the admonition of the Prophets. We need to figure out how we need to follow and then do it.
Sister Johnson asked, "What examples have you had in your life?"
Sister Calli Richards commented on the Prophet Joseph Smith. She talked of his example of patience and kindness. She said she has never been hurt or persecuted, but his example was truly one of meekness. We need to act and not react, but be meek like the Savior.
Sister Annalee Ashby told of how when she was in a nursing class. When the class began she found that there weren't any other LDS people in the class and many of the students had very negative views of the Mormons. As she continued to take the class and live like she should as well as talking to her fellow students their hearts were softened and she was able to show them that their perceptions were incorrect. She was a great example of meekness.
Sister Mindy Anderson said that in dealing with people that aren't righteous she has been blessed to be able to stay calm with those around her have been irrational. She has been able to be non-judgmental.
Sister Johnson then asked, "what blessings have meekness brought in your lives?"
Sister Merlyn Kent said, "through being meek you are able to be true to what you believe."
Sister Jamie Johnson said, "by being meek you always feel love from the Lord and it doesn't matter what others think."
Sister Tammy Jensen told a story of when they lived down south. She said that she used to walk everyday with the bishop's wife. They were good walking buddies. She told of how a sister in that ward had gotten offended and began to cause problems in the ward, to the point where the Stake President came and spoke with the ward. But during this whole process, the bishop was kind. He kept asking himself what have I done to cause this offense? He racked his brain trying to figure it out but was never able to find an answer. He was very humble and meek. His wife was also meek and during their walks, not once did she ever mention this sister or what was going on in their lives because of the problems that had been raised. They, the bishop and his wife, were a great examples to Tammy of meekness and humility.
Sister Anne Welling commented on how in the talk by Elder Bednar, Pahoran said to Moroni, "In your epistle you have censured me, but it mattereth not; I am not angry, but do rejoice in the greatness of your heart.. She said it is a becoming, not a doing! You become a person of meekness.
Sister Jamie Johnson then said, "the word meekness comes from the Greek word praus and is defined as:
1: In Greek literature the word is used to describe a soothing medicine.
2: Used by sailors to describe a gentle breeze.
3: Used by farmers to describe a broken colt or tamed animal.
All three are examples of great power under control.
*Medicine does not give up its strength or power to cure the sick, but it's strength is controlled.
* The wind does not give up power to push the ship across the sea, but the sail are set to control it's power.
* A horse does not give up it's strength or power when broken to it's owners command, but its strength is brought under control of it's rider.
When this last thought was talked about one of the sisters said that she liked the thought of the breaking and taming of a wild animal. And that we should be as such and that the Lord is the one that holds the reins.
Sister Johnson bore her testimony and mentioned in it that the Savior had perfect meekness. That as we listen and answer his call and also if we seek for this our joy will be increased and we will become more like Him.
This was a beautiful lesson. I would encourage you if you haven't had the opportunity to read this talk it is beautifully given and will bless us all if we seek to become meek in our lives.