Today's RS Council meeting was lead by Sister Kathy Pinborough. The discussion was in regards to the Youth Devotional that was held June 3rd by President and Sister Nelson.
Sister Pinborough talked about the devotional and how she loved that they began the meeting by having a youth choir sing We Thank Thee, O God for a Prophet. She talked about how President Nelson said that the words of this hymn turned our hearts to the Prophet Joseph Smith. President Nelson said, "He (Joseph Smith) is the prophet of this dispensation. He told the youth how Joseph was their age when he went and inquired of the Lord. Sister Pinborough then asked the sisters how this inspired them and what thoughts they had regarding this.
Sister Anne Welling said, "We need to do what the prophet Joseph did, we need to take our questions directly to the Lord."
The question was then asked, "Why is this important?" Sister Christina Smith answer by saying, "We can be deceived by other voices. By taking our concerns to our Heavenly Father, we learn what His voice sounds like so that we will know it when we hear it."
Sister Norene Rawlins said, "Sometimes we don't know the needs of others. But our Heavenly Father knows the needs of all of his children and so He can inspire us to help others."
Sister Tammy Ward said, "Usually at the ages from 12 - 18 kids usually go to their friends for answers. But during this devotional, the prophet is telling them exactly what to do and how to do it so that they can know how to receive their own revelation."
Then Sister Norene said, aren't we all children. (everyone got a good laugh out of that.) Sister Jessica White said that he (President Nelson) made it apparent that he was speaking to everyone. What a great promise President Nelson gave when he said, "I promise you that if you will sincerely and persistently do the spiritual work needed to develop the crucial, spiritual skill of learning how to hear the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, you will have all the direction you will ever need in your life. You will be given answers to your questions in the Lord's own way and in His own time..." President Nelson is inviting all of the youth to be enlisted in Heavenly Father's Army.
Calli Richards said that she was impressed with all of the changes that are happening. She said as they sat listening to the devotional she felt that things are falling into place to hasten the Lord's work and that the youth are rising to the challenge. She said that as they were listening to the prophet, she noticed her daughter on her phone. Calli asked her daughter what she was doing and Kinley's answer was that she was already deleting the apps off of her phone. Kinley was an example of hastening to do what the prophet asked. She was doing this even before she had left the devotional.
Sister Pinborough commented that you can feel the power and spirit that the youth of the ward carry. She then asked, "How do we put away the distractions and the phones with their apps?"
In answer, Calli Richards said, "It is a habit. We need to get out of the habit of just turning to our phones when have extra time on our hands. We can and should be doing better things with our time and not waste time." Sister Kathy then commented saying, "If we read our scriptures as much as we spend on other distractions and on our phones we would be zipping along in our studies."
Sister Phipps said, "If we helped others instead of being on our phones it would be a blessing to both our lives and the lives of those we help.
Sister Kathy then asked, "Did anything that Sister Nelson said inspire you?" Sister Christina Smith said that she was inspired when Sister Nelson said that we need to stop comparing ourselves. Sister Nelson's exact quote was, "My dear brothers and sisters, it's time to stop comparing ourselves with others. It's time to put away this erroneous views of ourselves and others. the truth is that we are not as hopelessly flawed as we may think, and others are not as perfect as they may appear - all except, of course, our Savior, Jesus Christ." Sister Kathy then went on to say, "We need to see what is on the inside of others. She liked what Sister Nelson said about doing what we need to do here upon the earth. Sister Nelson said continuing on, "The only thing that really matters is that you and I are doing exactly what we committed - even covenanted - pre-mortally with our Heavenly Father we would do while we are here on earth."
Sister Kathy then asked, "Why weren't you born at another time?" Sister Tammy Ward said, "We need to go to the Lord and ask him this directly." Sister Andrea Stringham said, "We are here to help with the gathering by teaching, serving and sharing." Brother Whyatt Garn's new wife, Calee said she pictures a line of people on the other side of the veil who cannot do anything on their own. They are just waiting for us to do the work to help them progress. Sister Kathy said she loved the comment that Sister Nelson said about seeing a 10 minute video of our pre-mortal selves. Sister Nelson said, "I believe if you could see yourself living with your Heavenly Parents and with Jesus Christ; if you could observe what you did pre-mortally and see yourself making commitments - even covenants - with others, including your mentors and teachers; if you could see yourself courageously responding to attacks on truth and valiantly standing up for Jesus Christ, I believe that every one of you would have the increased power, increased commitment, and eternal perspective to help you overcome any and all of your confusion, doubts, struggle, and problems. ALL of them!" Sister Phipps said that she sees our patriarchal blessings as being just a little part of this. Sister Joann Allen said, "If we could see how good we did in the pre-existance, how much easier it would be for us to have confidence now."
Sister Christina Smith shared the thought that Sister Nelson gave, "If we could remember who we were in the pre-mortal life, we would say, "Oh, now I remember. Now I understand. This difficult situation makes sense to me now. With the Lord's help I can do this!"
Sister Kathy talked about how important our lineage is and how glad she was that Sister Nelson talked about it in the devotional. Sister Anne Welling said that she remembers as a girl hearing about the gathering of Israel and feeling like it was something that would happen one day, and perhaps that all of the tribes would come marching in together all at once. She loved the story Sister Nelson told of having the sisters in Russia stand according to their tribes and how 11 of the tribes of Israel were represented. Sister Jessica White commented on how she loved that they all showed forth love to one another.
Sister Pinborough then asked, "What is the Gathering?" She then commented on how she loved how President Nelson talked about the elect finding the elect.
President Nelson's exact words are: "Would you, who are the elect be willing to help find the elect who have not heard the message of the restored gospel? Would you like to be among those "swift messengers" of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke?
Every prophet commencing with Adam has seen our day. And every prophet has talked about our day. We are the ones who get to participate in this final, great gathering event....
I testify that the gathering is now and it is real."
Sister Pinborough commented on what President Nelson said about how Israel will be the ones that will listen to Christ. President Nelson said, "Those whose lineage is from the various tribes of Israel are those whose hearts will most likely be turned to the Lord. He (Christ) said, "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." Those who are of the house of Israel will most easily recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and will desire to be gathered into His fold."
Kathy talked about this being the eleventh hour. President Nelson said, "Think of this, my dear young brother and sisters, right now I am preparing for the day when I will be required to give an accounting to the Prophet Joseph Smith, to President Brigham Young, and others - and ultimately to the Lord - about my stewardship as God's prophet upon the earth today. I do not want to be asked, "Brother Nelson, why were you not more clear with the youth about their part in gathering Israel? Why were you not more bold in enlisting them to participate?"
The 5 thing that President Nelson has asked us to do to help us to know who we are and what our plan and role is on this earth:
- Hold a 7-day fast from social media.
- Make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord for 3 weeks.
- Keep on the covenant path. If you are off, repent and get back on the path
- Pray daily that all of God's children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Stand out. Be different. Be a light. Give to a friend one copy of the booklet "For the Strength of Youth."
Sister Jodi Rogers said that she feels that when we bear our testimonies, it is helping others to strengthen their testimonies.
Sister Pinborough said that we need to stand out and wear our difference as a badge of honor. She said, "Those who diligently seek shall find."
President Nelson said at the end of the devotional, "My beloved younger brothers and sisters, you are among the best the Lord has ever sent to this world. You have the capacity to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any pervious generation." The devotional was then ended by the whole congregation singing Hope of Israel. Sister Pinborough said that they showed the conductor's face and he was so touched by the spirit that he had tears on his face.
Sister Pinborough ended the discussion by bearing her testimony and said that when times are the darkest, we need Him (the Lord) to be with us. Things have progressed and are continuing to progress. Through ministering we can become closer to each other. We are so blessed to have our dear prophet to lead us.
The challenge is for us to embrace these 5 things to help us understand and hear the voice of the Lord; so that we can fulfill our mission that we covenanted to fulfill in the pre-existence and help hasten the work of the Lord.