Sunday, September 30, 2018

RS Council Mtg - September 2018 (2)

*This Friday we need 4 more people to help clean the Temple.  It will be from 9pm to 12.
Also we need 1 more person to help with the cleaning of the Temple grounds from 8 am to 12 pm.
*We have the opportunity to feed the missionaries on Oct 19 & 20th.  Please contact Pat Alison to help with that.
* October 6th @ 6 pm all sisters 8 yrs old and up are invited to the Women's session of conference at the Stake Center.  Refreshments will be served.
*Oct 16th - Ward Chili Cook-off Carnival at the Church at 6 pm. (More info to come).
*Oct 16th - RS is in charge of the FHE at the Our House Assisted Living.  Please contact one of the RS presidency if you are willing to help.
*Oct 27th - Super Saturday.  Be sure to check out and sign up for the fun items to be made and the service opportunities.
*Nov 11 - The Primary Program.  Please plan to attend and be spiritually fed.
Bishop Kent has asked that we please go ministering with our companions!
Today's discussion was lead by Sister Tammy Jensen.  It was based on how she was feeling when she watched the video on effective ministering.  You can see it here.  

In the video Elder Ballard stated, "The voice of caution, I would say is be very, very careful that we keep this simple.  We have a tendency in the church when we get something is to hold some meetings, and then putting a lot of things around it.  This doesn't need that!  All this needs is the Power of the Spirit of God.  All it needs is that we see who we are and what it is we are trying to do in a loving way.  Without putting program around the simplicity of understanding what it means to be a minister for the Lord Jesus Christ."

Sister Jensen wanted to focus on the first two things Elder Ballard stated.  She then asked the question, "How do we prepare to participate in bringing the power of the Spirit of God into our service?"

Sister Jensen said we need to be agents of change not only in our own lives, but also in our ward family.  She then began to tell a story of a friend of hers.

This friend was an active Latter-day Saint.  She had been married in the Temple and she had a successful business.  This sister found out that her husband had an addiction to pornography and it had gone beyond this, to the demise of her marriage.  This sister lost her Temple marriage, her business and her home.  But she was the kind of sister that tried to keep the spirit with her in all that she did.  

One day this sister went to the nursing home to visit her mother.  As she entered, she saw three nurses trying to control and help a combative resident.  Being who she was, this sister marched boldly down the hall to where the ruckus was going on and asked the nurses if she could pray for this resident.  She said that they were quick to bow their heads.  As they did, this sister prayed that the resident would remember that she was a child of God.  That she would have the spirit of peace to be with her and that she could be calmed.  After she said amen, she thanked the nurses and went back down the hall to help her mother who was also a resident that lived in this facility.  

The woman whom she had prayed for calmed and the nurses were able to assist her and get things accomplished.  They hadn't been able to do this prior to the prayer.  The nurses were so grateful to this sister for bringing the power of the Spirit into this situation.  Later that day as the sister who had prayed for the resident looked down the hall, she saw this sweet woman with a look of serenity  on her face smiling and enjoying the goings on around her.

As a relief society presidency Tammy and her counselors have thought about the prophets council and how to pull together as a ward.  Tammy has been so grateful for the feedback she has received on how the sisters are ministering to each other and how they as a presidency can support us in our ministering.  

The thought has come to Tammy so strongly that we need the power of the Spirit of God more.  This is the challenge that the brethren are giving us as a people.  

Sister Tammy then asked if any of us in the room had any thoughts, but then decided to read a quote from President Nelson to us first as it really touched her heart and she thought it was a wake up call to us. 

It stated, "Too many of our brothers and sisters do not fully understand the concept of priesthood power and authority.  They act as though they would rather satisfy their own selfish desires and  appetites than use the power of god to bless His children."

Tammy said that as she read this she felt a gentle correction in his words to us.  She asked herself, "Am I using the power of god to bless his children?"  She then said, we have been given such a gift.  The actual gospel of Jesus Christ has been given to us with covenants and all of the power that comes with it.  Then she asked herself, "Do I even know how?"  And if I'm not using the power is it because of selfish desires and appetites and how do I purify those desires before my Father in Heaven?"  She said the answers to these questions come from the Master Teacher himself.  She knows because she has seen that there are many in our ward that know how and have been able to use that power.  She then asked if any in the room would share their testimonies and examples of how they have used that power to bless His children.  

She said she thinks often of Sister Lana Coombs friend that reads the Book of Mormon on a daily basis but reads the whole book monthly cover-to-cover and the power that comes to her when she is speaking to others because of this gift.

Sister Tammy then opened it up for discussion and mentioned how this is a big topic.

Sister Merlyn Kent said that prayer is a big thing and that we need to make it an everyday thing, especially in the mornings to ask our Heavenly Father to bless us with the ability to have a listening ear and to listen to the Spirit as he tells us what to do and how to help others around us.  She said sometimes it comes when sitting on a lawnmower.  There are those ah-ha moments that hit us.  You will know what you need to go do.  

She gave the example of Sister Sambrano.  Sister Sambrano needed to move from her home and had been putting it off because it was so overwhelming to her.  She had found herself an apartment to go and live in and she had had it for a month, but just getting everything together and moving was a tough thing for her.  As she was sitting on her lawnmower about three weeks ago, the thought came to Sister Kent that they just needed to go and do it, to help her and get her settled so that she could find some peace.  When bishop Kent came home that night she told him.  Then Sister Tammy called and told him she also felt that they need to get this organized and with the help of other sisters in the ward they were able to get her packed.  The Elders quorum was able to move her the next week after the sisters had helped her.  Sister Kent was able to be with her while this happened.  It was all because of a prompting that came while she was listening while on her lawnmower.

Sister Tammy then asked if there was a time when someone had been served by someone else that couldn't have known their need, but that by listening to the Spirit they were able to help.

Sister Christina Smith told of a time when she had been served by Sister Ellis.  The story she told was that when her (Christina's) daughter was getting married she was so overwhelmed and had such anxiety because of all that she had to do and all that was going on in her life that the thought of going out and delivering the invitations was like the last straw.  She just couldn't bring herself to do it.  Sister Ellis dropped by and saw the invitations just sitting there and asked about them.  Christina told her that she needed to go out and deliver them.  Sister Ellis scooped them up and she delivered them for her.  It relieved Christina of a huge burden.  Sister Ellis was listening to the Spirit and served Christina.

Sister Lana Coombs then told of a few months ago shortly after she had her shoulder surgery.  She said that her basement had been flooded and she needed to clean it out.  She had a big weight machine that made it hard to get to things and she decided that she needed to disassemble and get it out of the basement.  This was at 10 o'clock at night.  She said it took her about 30 trips up the stairs one-handed carrying the pieces and parts.  She had it laying on her driveway the next morning when Sister Tammy Earl drove by on her way to work.  Tammy turned around and came back.  She told Lana that she felt that she needed to stop.  Sister Lana said that she thought that was interesting because she had been wondering how she was going to get everything into a truck or on a trailer because she couldn't lift them with only one arm.  She had said a prayer telling the Lord she had done all that she could, but she couldn't do anymore on her own.  Sister Earl told her that she would have her husband bring his trailer over and get it taken care of.  He came and within 5 minutes or so it was all taken care of and off of Lana's driveway.  Sister Lana told of how Tammy had been an answer to her prayers.  It was a big thing for Sister Lana!

Sister Jensen said she loved the simplicity of the story that sister Lana had shared.  She said that as a presidency they see the simple way sisters are out there doing what they have been asked to do.  They are seeking to serve.  This is a higher law that we are being asked to do.  Our hearts are more engaged.  

She then said, "I am wondering, are there any of you that are questioning or doubt that you even know how.   Do you know how to bring the power of God into your lives and into others lives?"

Sister Christina said, "I think we are all working on it. It is something that we are trying to get better at bringing the Spirit into our lives."  She said that through prayer and gratitude, she said she really has to keep gratitude in her heart and mind, then just going and doing as the Spirit prompts.  She said it is the little things that she thinks are good that she just does.  It is a process that she is striving to do.  She doesn't think she would raise her hand saying that she does or doesn't know how to do, because it is something we are working on all the time.  We are learning.

Sister Ashby said that she thinks that this ministering program is what is going to instill this way of thinking into our everyday thought process.  It is so different from the old way of visiting teaching.  Because of this we are thinking all through the month about those we are called to serve and promptings can come at anytime because our focus is different.  As that ability is developed in our minds we will learn to serve better.

She told of her mother and how she would just often stop by, but it was always when Sister Ashby needed help with her little children.  She would be having a really bad day and then all of a sudden there her mother would be at her door.  We as mothers can be inspired to serve even our own children.  

Then she told of her visiting teachers that came when she had been pregnant with her twins.  She said she couldn't even reach the sink because her stomach was so big.  She had to do her dishes sideways.  Well, one day her visiting teachers showed up and helped her get her dishes done even though they too were pregnant.  They could reach the sink and were able to help.  She said it was one of the nicest things that she has ever had happen to her.  Her twins are now adults and to this day it has meaning to her.

Sister Tammy Jensen then told of how her life has gotten unmanageable right now.  She is homeschooling and they are doing homework late at night and she told her husband that it is ridiculous how their life is right now.  Her husband agreed.  She had the thought that she needs the power of God to help them.   She then said, "I don't know how it is going to end, then she corrected herself and said, I do know how it is going to end.  It is going to be great!"  So she is fasting today for more power of God in their lives so that her family can overcome the craziness."

She then asked if anyone had thoughts about the trials they are facing right now.  Each of us have our trials.  Can you think of how you might bring the power of God into your lives more to help with these trials?

She then wanted to move on to the next part of Elder Ballard's talk.
Knowing who you are!  Sister Tammy said she was surprised that this is one of the important things in Elder Ballard's talk.  Sister Tammy then looked at Sister Lana who had been shaking her head.  She said, "this is not surprising to you, can you explain why?"

Sister Lana said that as she has taught school, she does an activity where she teaches the children about value.  She uses the 100 dollars bill analogy where she tears it up, but it is still worth 100 dollars.  She teaches them that they are worth more than gold.  They wear crowns around and they are silly and have fun.  But she said that when they write about it, they don't realize who they are.  She said that these are mostly Latter-day saint children.  She is surprised that they don't know their worth.

She told of how she wasn't going to do this activity any more and then one day she was in the grocery store and she was checking out and the girl cashiering asked, "do you still do the crowns?"  Lana answered her saying "Yes."  This young girl said to her, "That was the best day of my life!"  

Sister Lana said that they just don't realize who they are and this helps them.  She said she teaches them that they are a person of value.  It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done, you are of great value!  It is life changing to these kids.  She said that the kids wear their crowns all day and they wear them home and they are so proud when they have them on.  She can't say that they are a child of God because it is school, but just teaching them of their worth helps them incredibly.  And when people ask them why they are wearing a crown, they say it is because they are a person of value.  

She also said, "there are times when we as adults forget who we are. We need to validate others and remind them who they are and that they are of great worth regardless."  

Sister Jensen asked her how she would tie that into ministering.  Sister Lana said that she has a sister that she has visited for a long time and that is one of the messages that gets reiterated quite often and is a work in process for this sister.  She forgets what a wonderful person she is as do we all.  

Sister Phipps then said how much she likes the validation that we give each other.  She teaches special needs.  She had a child come into her class that wasn't special needs, but this child knew another girl in her class and so she just tagged along.  This child came from a broken home and had no Latter-day saint upbringing.  

Sister Phipps in her class hands out a paper that says "All about me."  On this paper you are supposed to write something special about yourself.  This child turned to Sister Phipps and in all sincerity said, "I don't have anything special about me."  Sister Phipps immediately said, "Oh yes you do.  You are a wonderful friend, especially to the little girl in my class."  Sister Phipps was able to validate her and tell her what special things she saw about her.   She said it is important that we know that we are of value and that there is something special about us!

Sister Randi Smith said she thinks that knowing who we are helps us to serve others.  Because we know our strengths and our weaknesses and are able to know what is in our comfort zone and what is out of our comfort zone.  Sometimes the Lord asks us to do things that we are not comfortable with but that is what the person you are serving needs at that time.  

She told of how she tries to ignore the promptings often because she doesn't bake and cook well, but she said, "If you know who you are you can serve the best you can."  It's important to know that you as a receiver of help are of value as well.  She said that it is hard for her to receive service.

Sister Tammy Jensen said, "I would love to hear how you serve." 
She then asked Randi what her biggest strength is.

Sister Smith said she thinks reading people is one of her talents.  She can tell when people she sees need something extra.  She said she is a great texter and a great friend.  Sister Marra said this is true.  They are good friends she told of how Sister Smith is always reaching out.

Sister Ashby said she really does think it is important validating each other, because we tend to not do that for ourselves.  She said that sometimes maybe we think we are good at something, but in reality we aren't.  So it is nice to have others tell you when they see you are good at something.  When they say, "You know that was amazing, or I saw you do this and such and it was wonderful, or your smile just made my day."  

We need to put ourselves out there and validate other people because it is so important.  Some people don't think they are of any value and that is a really sad place to be. When you see that going on in peoples lives it leads to so many problems, so when you see someone smiling ~ smile back and try to make their day.

Sister Lana said, "If you know who you are ~ You know who they are."  Sister Jensen answered with an Amen!  She said if you know this it just comes together.

Sister Merlyn said that sometimes we make it harder than it really is.  She said if you are at a grocery store and you see someone that needs help, lend that helping hand.  If a mom is having a hard time with her children help them out.  It is just a great way to live.  If someone were to offer her help, she said she would never turn it down.  She would say sure, come on and we'll do it together.  When we have that prompting just do it.

Sister Glori Alsop told of a student that she taught in art.  She said sometimes we just need to get ourselves out of the way and then serve others.  She told of a young man that was in one of her classes.  She said he was really a naughty boy.  She said he was really a cute kid and could have been a great leader, but he tended to lead kids the wrong way.  She couldn't get through to this young man.  She tried to be nice to him and he was awful back.  Then one day the Spirit spoke to her because she depended on it a lot as a teacher.  It prompted her to say to him, "You are afraid to be loved!"  He stopped what he was doing and looked at her like she had just read his diary.  It was true evidently, because it made all of the difference in the world.  From that time forward this young man was really nice and pleasant to be around.  She felt that it was because he knew she understood him.  It was that simple. 

Sister Tammy said she had a mentor at one time and he said that The truth is simple - It isn't easy but it is Simple.  She said that when we have the power of God with us it is just that simple.  What  people need is usually just words.

Sisters Ashby then told of an experience she knew of when she was teaching in the middle school.  She worked with a man who was a great band leader.  This man was not a small man by any means.  Anyway their school got a call from a Jr. High school in central Utah stating that they needed a band leader that wasn't small because the students had thrown the last leader out the window, literally.  

So they sent this man and he went down to this school.  When he entered into the principals office, the principal warned him that there was a young man in the band that was the instigator of the trouble.  Having this knowledge, this man went to the band room.  When the students were entering, he pulled this young man aside and told him that he had heard good things about him and wanted to make him the class president.  He said it was never the same again.  This young man stepped up and they had a wonderful year in band that year and then after.  It was amazing.  This man knew how to handle this young man through making him feel wonderful and giving him a positive identity.  

Sister Tammy then said, "I wonder if there are any in our room today that have identified with those feelings of not knowing who they are and not knowing your worth and your value.  I would asked that we pray for the knowledge of that and then watch for Heavenly Father's answers." His answers are everywhere.  

As a Relief Society presidency, Tammy and her counselors pray for us often and their greatest desire is for us to understand these two things in our families and in our own hearts and with the sisters whom we serve.  

We are grateful for the things we have discussed today and hope you all feel of our love.