Sunday, October 14, 2018

Saving Ordinances will Bring Us Marvelous Light

~This Tuesday is the Ward Carnival and Chili Cookoff.  Please have your food to the church by 5:45.  It begins at 6 pm.
~Super Saturday will be on the 27th.  Please come and have a great time.  Even if you didn't sign up there will be humanitarian quilts to work on.  It will be from 10 am to 2 pm.
Today's discussion was facilitated by Sister Jamie Johnson.  She began by asking the question: In this dark world wouldn't you want something that could bring you marvelous light into your life?

In Elder Wakolo's talk it says, "Participating in ordinances and honoring the associated covenants will bring you marvelous light and protection in they ever-darkening world".

Sister Johnson then asked, "what is a covenant?"  Sister Bonnie Clark answered saying, "An covenant is a promise that brings you closer to Christ."  Then Sister Johnson asked, "what is an ordinance?" Sister Welling answered by quoting Elder Wakolo, "An ordinance is a sacred, formal act performed by the authority of the priesthood."

Elder Wakolo quoted Elder Bednar by saying, "The ordinances of salvation and exaltation administered in the Lord's restored Church . . . constitute authorized channels through which the blessings and powers of heaven can flow into our individual lives.

Elder Wakolo said, "Like a coin with two sides, all the saving ordinances are accompanied by covenants with God.  God promised us blessings if we faithfully honor those covenants."  

Sister Johnson then had us break up into five groups to discuss the saving ordinances.  They are the Baptismal covenant, Sacrament covenant, the Temple Endowment, the Temple Sealing and Melchizedek Priesthood covenant.  Each group was given five minutes to discuss what "We need to do" and "What the Lord Promises" if we keep these ordinances.  Sister Jamie had us go to here to read about these ordinances.  And to also think about where we ourselves are on the covenant path.

Once each group had read and discussed these covenants, Sister Johnson had a spokesperson from each group write what they had discussed on the white board.

The first group discussed how in the Baptismal covenant we need to keep the commandments and in return the Lord Promises that we will live with Him in His kingdom.

The second group discussed the Melchizedek Priesthood covenant. In that covenant we promise to live worthily and magnify our callings and the Lord promises to Sanctify us by the Spirit and that we may receive all that the Father has.

The third group discussed the Temple Endowment.  If we keep our covenant by obeying, sacrificing, and consecrating our lives to Him, then the Lord promises the great endowment gift, the promise of perspective and power, the keys to receiving divine power to overcome opposition and to move the Church forward.

The fourth group discussed the Temple Sealing. We promise to be faithful to each other and to God.  In return the Lord promises us Eternal Family relationships and Exaltation.

The fifth group discussed the Sacrament covenant.  In this covenant we promise to remember the Savior's sacrifice, take His name upon us, keep the commandments, always remember Him, renew our baptismal covenant and all the other covenants we have received.  In return the Lord promises that we will have His Spirit to always be with us.  That we will all be resurrected and given the opportunity of eternal life.  We will be forgiven of our sins; to be cleansed as we are at baptism.  

If you are interested in learning more about these covenants you can read about them here.

Sister Johnson then read the promise that President Nelson gave, "Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere."

Then Sister Johnson talked about how we are undersheperds.  We are here to find our way as well as help others to stay on the covenant path.  

In Elder Wakolo's talk he said, "The many distractions and temptations of life are like "ravening wolves".  It is the true shepherd who will prepare, protect, and warn the sheep and the flock when these wolves are approaching.  As undershepherds who seek to emulate the perfect life of the Good Shepherd, aren't we shepherds of our own soul as well as of others?  With the counsel of prophets, seers and revelators, whom we sustained, and with the power and gift of the Holy Ghost, we can see the wolves coming if we are watchful and prepared.  In contrast, when we are casual shepherds of our own soul and others' souls, casualties are likely.  Casualness leads to casualties.  I invite each of us to be a faithful shepherd."

Sister Johnson then reiterated what Elder Wakolo said, "The sacrament is an ordinance that helps us stay on the path and worthily partaking is evidence that we are keeping the covenants associated with all the other ordinances."  She then ended her discussion by giving us the challenge and promise that Elder Wakolo gave at the end of his talk.  It is this: "I invite each of us to ask ourselves, "What ordinances, including the sacrament, do I need to receive and what covenants do I need to make, keep and honor?"  I promise that participating in ordinances and honoring the associated covenants will bring you marvelous light and protection in this ever-darkening world."