Lesson given by Sister Louisa Joy
"People have built fortresses throughout history to keep the enemy outside. Often those fortresses included a guard tower where watchmen—like prophets—warned of menacing forces and coming attacks."
Sister Joy asked the sisters of things in our society and day to day lives that is making it hard for us to build a fortress. Here are some of the responses:
- One sister commented on how every where we look morality and kindness are down in society. It is all over on tv.
- Another sister commented on how kindness is becoming more of a rare quality----We have forgotten that just because we don't agree with what others think or do, doesn't mean we can't be kind to them. We need to strengthen our bonds with one another and as a sisterhood in relief society.
- Another has noticed how we don't communicate like we used to. The way we used to communicate before we had phones. We have forgotten how to be sincere and open with one another
- We live in a society where everything seems to be made "easy". We are constantly looking for ways to make things easier or quicker. This can't always be the answer. The easy way isn't always the right way.
- Another sister talked about how she has been impressed to be more conscious of deciding between good, better, and best. This includes things for herself, for your kid's time, and for their family. We are surrounded by so many amazing things. But sometimes we need to choose between them.
Some of the things the sister's commented on that help us in building our fortress is:
- Remembering the little things---prayers, scripture study, church attendance, ministering. etc.
- Heavenly Father is giving us tools to build the walls of our fortress through the new come follow me program, the new youth program. He is giving us the tools to strengthen our HOMES against satan.
- Another sister emphasized the importance of women in our role of the family. We are the ones that often set the tone and habits of the home. We have a vital role in building our fortress for our family and children.
- He reminded us that we need to be willing as Nephi was when he went to get the plates.
- We don't have to do it by ourselves though, we have the help of the Savior along the way.
- One sister commented on how she has tried to be better at acting on promptings she receives, rather than questioning them and wondering if it was her own thoughts. Heavenly Father will help us when we trust his promptings and the more we trust them, the more we will recognize them.
*Stand for Truth*
- "Satan is a subtle snake"
- He can put subtle thoughts in our minds that make us question our worth and value. They can build to bigger thoughts and worry's. We need to stand for truth even in our thoughts of ourselves.
- Another sister talked about how her son had made the motto for his family to "make their home a haven that they want to run to.....not run away from"
- We need to be vigilant and active in discerning integrity.
- Satan uses distractions to pull us away. They can be little distractions at first, but it builds and builds over time.
- Your testimony of Jesus Christ is your own personal fortress against the adversary.
- Satan is very persistant and convincing. If we can recognize his tactics and attempts, we can build ourselves up against him.