Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Sabbath is a Delight

Sister Louisa Joy lead our discussion today based on Elder Russell M. Nelson from the 2015 April General Conference  The Sabbath is a Delight. Sister Joy started the discussion out by asking for volunteers. The  ladies that were selected were given envelopes to open, In each envelope was a X and check mark, The volunteers were asked to come to the white board and put a check mark or X on things that were listed on board. They were to put either a X on things they felt were not appropriate and a check mark on things that they felt were appropriate activities for the Sabbath, It was interesting to see how everyone's ideas were different, The topics listed on the board were

  • Catch up on Sleep! Take a Long Long Nap! 
  • Go on a Hike
  • Read a General Conference Talk and make a Goal
  • Get your Grocery Shopping done.Relax and enjoy your favorite activities Fishing, Camping, Boating Four Wheeling, ect..
  • Work on a Gratitude Journal
  • See a great Movie
  • Play Uplifting Music
  • Watch your favorite Sporting Event or {the Olympics}
  • Work on Personal Progress
  • Visit someone who is Discouraged, Lonely, or Hurting
  • Skip Church and spend quality time with Family

Louisa wanted us to make our Sabbath Days more meaningful she read a exert from LDS Living titled \

Why I Keep the Sabbath Differently Than You and why that's a Good Thing..
by Danielle B. Wagner

In all of our list-making and worry have we become too much like the Pharisees and Sadducees who used to count their steps on the Sabbath, not to make sure that they did good with every step, but simply to keep from doing wrong. Do we focus so much on not taking a step in the wrong direction that we forget to move forward at all? Do we focus so much on our apparent "worthiness" we forget the true purpose of the Sabbath-- to reach out to others and enjoy the people and simple joys Heavenly Father has put into our lives?
Russell M. Nelson asked in his talk what did the Savior mean when He said that "the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath"? I believe He wanted us to understand that the Sabbath was His gift to us, granting real respite from the rigors of daily life and an opportunity for spiritual and physical renewal. God give us this special day , not for amusement or daily labor but to rest from duty,with physical and spiritual relief.

Sister Joy asked us to share ways that we help our families keep the Sabbath and make it a day of  Do's not Don'ts  Here's just a few comments:

  • I love Sundays it gives me time to study my Scriptures and be tutored by our Heavenly Father
  • Sharing the load on Sundays makes it easier on Moms
  • Keep in mind this is the Lords day.
  • Sunday is a Family day. I'm fiercely protective of  my Sundays 
  • A day to write or email our Missionaries 
  • Make your Sundays different from other days.
  • The Sabbath is personal to each person.
  • Dresses up on Sundays.

 These are just a few comments but everyone's input was  wonderful.

The Sabbath provides a wonderful opportunity to strengthen family ties. After all, God wants each of us, as His children to return to Him, as endowed Saints, sealed in the temple as families, to our ancestors,and to our posterity.

In closing Sister Louisa Joy gave us a challenge:


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bearers of Heavenly Light

Sister Tammy Ward lead the discussion we had today in Relief Society based on the talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf from this last conference.

Sister Tammy started the discussion out by dividing the class into two sections. then assigned each section a topic.
 Light and Spiritual Wellness, and  the other Darkness - Stagnation. Each group was given 5 minutes to come up with as many meaning of light in The Light of the World section of the talk and the other group what Darkness and Stagnation does for us in the Darkness and Light section. Some of the things that were found in the lesson,

Light and Spiritual Wellness:

  • Light is available to all
  • Enlightens and Saturates
  • Perfect Brightness of Hope
  • He who follows Christ will receive Light
  • Christ is the Light of the World
  • Influence Spiritual Healing
  • Darkness vanishes in the presence of light
  • The Light of Christ feels the Universe

Darkness - Stagnation:

  • Dims our Vision
  • Reduces Visibility
  • Make Poor Choices
  • Lose Hope
  • Can't see Danger
  • Night is just a Shadow
  • Become forgetful
  • Can feel Joy in Darkness
  • Satan works to put us in the Shadows

Sister Tammy Ward then asked if anyone wanted to share experiences of being in darkness and how they were able to come back to the light. Several sisters commented and told of their experiences. One sister mentioned how after the birth of one of her children she suffered from postpartum depression she was able to have the Saviors help by relying on him more and realizing she could not fight this alone, this helped her bring light and meaning back into her life. Another sister talked about how she had to make a conscious effort and dig deep to find her light and keep it. Its a daily challenge.  So many great experiences were shared and you could feel the spirit of this lesson bring light to everyone. One sister commented When you can't find your own light you have to find strength and comfort  from other peoples light, your Family, Friends, Ward Members we all have light to share. 

We Are Bearers of Light 

Every time you turn your hearts to God in humble prayer, you experience His light. Every time you seek His word and will in the scriptures, the light grows in brightness, Every time you notice someone in need and sacrifice your own comfort to reach out in love, the light expands and swells.Every time you reject temptation and choose purity, every time you seek or extend forgiveness, every time you courageously testify of truth, the light chases away darkness and attracts others who are also seeking light and truth,

Christ's light brings hope, happiness and healing of any spiritual wound or ailment, Those who experience this refining influence become instruments in the hands of the Light of the World to give light to others. They will feel what King Lamoni felt: "This light had infused such joy into his soul, the cloud of darkness having been dispelled, and... the light of everlasting life was lit up in his soul."

In conclusion Sister Ward stated No one is to deep in darkness that our Saviors Light can't find them and light their way. She then challenged each one of us to find ways to help others brighten their Light.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Exceeding Great and Precious Promises Facilitated Discussion

Sister Jamie Johnson lead the discussion we had today in Relief Society based on the talk given by Elder Bednar from this last Conference.

We first discussed the question that was posed last week ~ What have you done this week to bring you more unity with Christ this week?  Several sisters commented on how they have been working on praying with a more intent and being less apt to pray with repetition.  By doing this they felt like it was helping them to build their relationship with our Savior.  Other sisters said they were working on being more spiritual to become more unified with Christ.

Then discussion began pertaining to the talk by Elder Bednar.  At the beginning of his talk, Elder Bednar stated, "One of the greatest challenges each of us faces every day is to not allow the concerns of this world to so dominate our time and energy that we neglect the eternal things that matter most.  We can be too easily diverted from remembering and focusing upon essential spiritual priorities because of our many responsibilities and busy schedules.  Sometimes we try to run so fast that we may forget where we are going and why we are running."

The question was posed; how do we as women seek to slow down?  It was discussed that we need to look for more alone time and also to seek to be more in tune and listen to the Spirit.  One sister then said, "as a young mother, sometimes we lose or forget who we are because of all of the demands of others on our time and energies."  Comments were made suggesting that as women young or old, we need to remember to take time to find and remember who we are and to take the time to build and refill you spiritual well often.  It was mentioned that sometimes routines can help, as being structured can help us to make sure that we take time for those things that help us build our spirituality.  (i.e. set a reminder on your phone for prayers or scripture study, etc.)

Our discussion moved on to the part of Elder Bednar's talk that had to do with the Sabbath day.  In his talk he said, "Please note that the Sabbath day and the temple, respectively are a sacred time and a sacred place specifically set apart for worshipping God and for receiving and remembering His exceeding great and precious promises to His children."  That "leaving our homes to spend time in Sunday meetings and to enter the sacred space of a temple is vital but insufficient.  Only as we bring the spirit and strength derived from those holy activities back with us into our homes can we sustain our focus upon the great purposes of mortal life and overcome the corruption that is in the world."

Many sisters commented on how just having the Sabbath and Church helps build them and help them to get through the struggles of each week.  It helps to buoy and lift us spiritually.  It was also mentioned that we need to be present and in the moment.  We have to be aware to receive promptings.  Take time to be there and do not become distracted.  The sabbath is God's time.  It is a sacred time, a time for Him to teach us and we shouldn't cheat Him of that time.  We are here at church to remember God.

To quote Elder Bednar again, "The gospel is so much more than routine checklist of discrete tasks to be performed; rather, it is a magnificent tapestry of truth, "fitly framed and woven together, designed to help us become like our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, even partakers of the divine nature."  To this sister Jamie Johnson had a visual aide of a check list vs that of a beautiful tapestry that was beautifully inspiring.  The gospel is a beautiful tapestry and the Holy Ghost is the one that helps us weave a beautiful tapestry of our lives.

And lastly, "As we are wise and invite the Holy Spirit to be our guide, I promise He will teach us what is true.  He will testify of Christ, [and] light our minds with heaven's view as we strive to fulfill our eternal destiny and become partakes of the divine nature."

In summary, we as sisters can be blessed by seeking to do those things that will add to our spirituality through being present, being covenant keepers, and taking and making time to be taught by the Holy Spirit.  Through these things we can be partakers of the divine nature that is promised us.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Relief Society Council ~ January 2018

Today we began the new directive from the Church leadership.  We held a Relief Society Council that will now be done every first Sunday of the month.  It was lead by our Relief Society President, Sister Tammy Jensen.

The question was presented today, "How can the Relief Society Council aid my personal Unity with Christ?"

Then Sister Jensen asked, "Where or what are 3 things that you are feeling in your heart that you personally would like to see progress in this year?"

For our first discussion on this matter, a sister stated that she was having a hard time feeling like she felt obligated to attend all church meetings.  She felt she was always having to make a choice whether to tend to her family or attend her meeting (RS week night mtg).  After a discussion amongst the sisters, it was discussed how there are many seasons in our lives and that we need to use personal revelation for ourselves as to how and when we need to attend meetings and take care of our families.   All sister were urged to prayerfully consider when and when not to attend meetings.

Our second discussion was when a sister said she would like to increase her understanding of the scriptures.  It was discussed how reading the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon can help us be more prepared to have the Spirit with us.  It was suggested that sometimes it is easier to follow through with our scripture study if you have someone to whom you are accountable to, like a study partner or someone with whom you can text to let them know how you are doing with your studies.

Sister Merlyn Kent quoted President Monson during the discussion and I really liked it.  President Monson said, "Look to the lighthouse of the Lord.  There is no fog so dense, no light so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what it's beacon light can rescue.  It beckons through the storms of life."  We as sisters need to look to the Lord for answers.  This can and will increase our personal unity with the Savior as we turn to his light.

So in summary ~ "Let the guilt go if you can't do it all! Do what you can.  God will bless and uplift you for what you are able to do."

February's Council question:
How has reading the Book of Mormon aided in my personal Unity with Christ?