Sister Joy began the lesson by having 8 sisters come up and take a block that was part of the word REMEMBER. Each sister was to remember when it was her turn where she placed her letter in the word when it was respelled. This was a game of chance, because one of the sisters would win a prize if she placed her letter on the number with a gold dot on the back. Then she read a part of the article that she based this lesson on. It is in the February Ensign, Always Remember Him by President Eyring on pg 4.
Can you picture with me the prophet Moroni inscribing the final words of the Book of Mormon on the golden plates? He was alone. He had seen his nation, his people, and his family fall. The lad was "one continual round" of war. Yet he had hope, for he had seen our day! And of all the things he could have written, he invited us to remember.
President Spencer W. Kimball was fond of teaching that the most important word in the dictionary could be remember. Because we have made covenants with God, he said, "our greatest need is to remember" them.
You can find the world remember throughout the scriptures.
With each letter taken by the sisters, each was placed on the table. With each letter Sister Joy would have us remember something about the Savior. So with the first letter she asked us to Remember His mighty works. What we thought about when we think about his works. Here are some of the things that were talked about:
- His Atonement
- The Creation
- His leading the Children of Israel from bondage
She then asked, "How have you seen His mighty works in your life? Here are some of the answers that were given:
- Gethsemane, how he gave his life for us.
- Our Children.
- One sister talked about how her husband fought and was saved in the war.
- Someone talked about His unconditional love.
The Second Remember letter was placed. This was to remind us to Always Remember His teachings. The question was asked, "What teachings do you think of or remember that He taught?
- Even when He was so tired from teaching, He let the children come to Him and He blessed them.
- He washed the disciples feet. This Sister said, "He, the Savior of all mankind was serving and washed the feet of the disciples. What kinds of service are we doing?"
- Another sister said she liked the scripture, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." She thought this was one of her favorite teachings.
The third letter was placed and it stood for Remembering His Loving Kindness. What service of loving kindness have you see in your life or do you remember?
- How Christ always ministered to the One.
- His blessing of the children.
- One sister said, "When you are at your lowest low, He will send help and comfort. Whether that is in the form of a friend or just a feeling, He sends His love.
- When we've had a loss we can feel His Love and comfort. It was mentioned how the sweet Garn family is suffering right now and how with all of the prayers that are being offered on their behalf that hopefully they are feeling the blessings of this.
- It was mentioned that throughout all the ages that He has reached out to His children because He loves them (us). He has always tried to reach out to us and always will.
- The witness of the Holy Ghost is a sign of His loving kindness.
The fourth letter was placed and it stood for Remembering the great price He paid. Sister Joy read us a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants about this. In the sacrament prayer the word ALWAYS is always before the word REMEMBER.
- His great willingness to give His life because of His love for us was discussed.
- Sister Pinborough said, "The world would be a dismal place without His sacrifice." If this was the end really what would be the point? He gives us Hope.
- We need to ask for His help and forgiveness or it is all for naught. We need to respect and have gratitude for what He has done.
- One sister summarized it this way ~ His whole spectrum (His whole life) was for our benefit. We come to this earth to gain a body and be tested so that we can return (Our lives are about us). But in contrast He came and gave His life and everything He does is for us. We are asked to do so little in return.
The fifth letter was placed and stood for Remember the Resurrection. Why are the words "He is not here for He has risen" so important?
- A sister told a story of a friend she had talked with just this week at work. They were discussing what a wonderful blessing we have in a 24 hour day. We are able to get up, go to work, enjoy our days, family etc. But at the end of the day, we are able to go to bed and get up the next day and it is a new beginning. Each day is new and a chance for doing better than we did the day before.
- We all have the opportunity for another chance if we repent. We can do better.
- With the resurrection we also are given the knowledge of being with loved ones again.
The sixth letter was placed and stood for Remembering His Promises. What are some promises He has given to us?
- If we live worthy we have the promise of having His Spirit to be with us.
- We are given promises in our patriarchal blessings if we live worthily.
- If we truly repent He will forget our sins.
- If we attend the Temple and live like we are supposed to we can have eternal families.
- We are promised Celestial Glory if we endure. He gives us that Hope.
The seventh letter was placed and stood for Remembering what we need to do better. Sister Joy read from President Eyrings article, "The sacrament has its roots in the Old Testament practice of offering sacrifices which include a confession of sin. We don't sacrifice animals anymore, but we can still give up our sins. The scriptures call this a sacrifice of "a broken heart and a contrite spirit". Come to the sacrament with a repentant heart.
The eighth letter was placed and stood for Remember your progress. As you examine your life during the ordinance of the sacrament, I hope your thoughts center not only on things you have done wrong but also on things you have done right - moments when you have felt that Heavenly Father and the Savior were pleased with you. You may even take a moment during the sacrament to ask God to help you see these things. If you do, I promise you will feel something. You will feel hope.
We need to remember to see the good. Satan would have us feel like we aren't good enough or he would have us compare ourselves with others. But we need to REMEMBER to see the good.
Always is a long time, and it implies a lot of focused effort. You know from experience how hard it is to think conscious of one thing all of the time. But no matter how well you keep your promise to always remember Him, He always remember you.
The Savior knows your challenges. He knows what it is like to have the cares of life press upon you. He knows how urgently you need the blessing that comes from always remembering Him and obeying Him "that you may always have his Spirit to be with you".
So He welcomes you back to the sacrament table each week, once again offering you the chance to witness before Him that you will always remember Him.
Sister Joy compared this lesson to the game she started with. She said, "this is not a game of chance as her game was. He always remembers us." We can trust that He is always there. Satan will make us question His love for us. But if we will reach out to our Savior, He will be there for us!