We can frequently savor the sweet whisperings of the Holy Ghost verifying the truth of our spiritual worth.
Today's discussion was lead by Sister Kelbie Jackson. This discussion was based on a talk given by Sister Joy Jones the General Primary President. This talk is in the November Ensign on page 13.
Sister Jackson asked us to take out our journals and think of someone we know that is positive and that we feel knows of their individual worth. Then she asked for some of the attributes of that person. There were several responses, some of which were: They are bright, positive, kind, always spread joy, serve others, are always happy even though they have trials.
Sister Jackson then quoted Sister Jones, "God is your Father. He loves you. He and your mother in heaven value you beyond any measure . . . You are unique. One of a kind, made of the eternal intelligence which gives you claim upon eternal life. Let there be no question in your mind about your value as an individual."
The question was posed, "Are there times when you have felt your Heavenly Father's love for you?"
Sister Stringham said, "When you become a mother you can feel some of what Heavenly Father feels towards His children, because of what we feel for our own children." We all agreed that we are given times in our lives when we feel just a small portion of what Heavenly Father feels for us.
Sister Rawlins said, "Even in the simplest things we can feel His love. If we are going through hard times, we can feel peace and know of our worth to Him.
Sister Jones in her talk said, "Let me point out the need to differentiate between two critical words: Worth and Worthiness. They are not the same. Spiritual worth means to value ourselves the way Heavenly Father values us. Our worth was determined before we ever came to this earth. "God's love is infinite and it will endure forever."
"On the other hand, worthiness is achieved through obedience. If we sin, we are less worthy, but we are never worth less!"
Sister Jackson told of a time a year or so ago when she was really struggling with her self-worth, feelings of inadequacy, and a time of great trial for her. She wondered if Heavenly Father loved her or even cared about her. As she continued to do those things she needed to be doing, prayer, scripture study, etc. She realized that she needed a change of heart and that she needed to use the atonement of our Savior. The atonement isn't only for those that sin, but it is for everyone. Sister Jackson told of how she was able to begin healing and she has felt Heavenly Father's love for her.
Sister Welling told of when she was a caregiver to her parents and her mother-in-law. How it was a very difficult time for her. She was really struggling. She went to the women's conference and that evening and was blessed by a talk given by Elder Eyring. He gave a talk on being a caregiver. Sister Welling felt that he was speaking directly to her. She felt our Heavenly Father's love and knew He was aware of her, her struggles and where she was at in her life.
Sister Ashby talked about how when she had young children she also was a caregiver to her mother-in-law. She told of how she and her mother-in-law didn't have a very good relationship and how hard it was for her to have to care for her. However, as she cared for her mother-in-law, she was blessed to have some of those angry feelings in her heart begin to soften. She began to feel like it was an opportunity to learn to love her mother-in-law. Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be our very best. He gives us opportunity to change.
Sister Jackson said, "Heavenly Father gives us trials to help us grow."
In Sister Jones talk she stated, "No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Despite this marvelous truth, how many of us struggle from time to time, with negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves? I do. It's an easy trap. Satan is the father of all lies, especially when it comes to misrepresentations about our own divine nature and purpose. Thinking small about ourselves does not serves us well."
Sister Jackson asked, "When is a time you have felt Heavenly Father let you know of your worth?" It was discussed how when we have such experiences (when we feel His love) we need to be journaling them. Sometimes when you are going through a trial, you can go back and read those and they help us feel our Heavenly Father's love all over again.
Sister Lana Coombs said, "Heavenly Father blesses us with things He knows we will need. She talked about last year when her job changed. The job that she had done for several years was being done away with. This new job was going to require her to start over planning and creating new things to teach. It was going to be time consuming and hard. She would need to put in long hours to get things ready for teaching a new subject. However, through her preparation she was blessed. In studying the subject matter it blessed her life. It was what she was going to need personally in her life." She would be able to teach the students, but really this change was for her. Even when some blessings feel hard and really don't feel like blessings, in the end they are for our benefit.
Sister Jones said, "We may seldom, if ever receive huge spiritual manifestations in our lives; but we can frequently savor the sweet whisperings of the Holy Ghost verifying the truth of our spiritual worth."
Another thing that was pointed out in this lesson was, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." We can stop comparing our worst to someone else's best. "Comparison is the thief of joy." We as sisters need to be kind to each other. We need to put our best foot forward and be a friend to everyone. We need to be the kind of sisters that we talked about at the beginning of the lesson. Be that positive, happy, bright, person and Heavenly Father will bless you so that you feel and know your worth to Him.
Sister Jones said, "Sisters, because of what He did for us, "we are bound to him by loving ties."
As a side note, the day before Sister Jones gave this talk she and her family buried one of her sons. He had been battling a long illness and had passed away just before this. Sister Jones was still blessed to be able to give this talk. She knows of her worth and it helped her give this talk during Women's Conference. I know I for one feel very blessed by this talk and am grateful for Sister Jones loving guidance and example.