Sunday, January 27, 2019

Be Not Troubled, By Elder Rasband

Today's lesson was given by Sister Tammy Ward based on Elder Rasband's Conference talk given this past October.  It was titled, Be Not Troubled.

Sister Ward began by telling how when she listened to this talk she was quite critical of Elder Rasband.  Even when she listened to it a second time she felt the same way.  However, she prayed and as she listened to it the third time, she began to realize that Elder Rasband is a real cheerleader and she began to be excited to teach this lesson.  She realized he is supporting us and telling us to continue and keep going.  She loved that about this talk.

She asked the sisters, "What are some of the things that stood out to you in this talk?"

Sister Phipps then told of how she understands fear.  She talked about the new ministering way.  She talked of how we are supposed to be like Christ and how she feels that she can't do that.  But then she said, "when I put Christ into ministering with me, then I can do it."  She then pointed out all of the things that Elder Rasband points out as fears in his talk.  

Sister Ward then said that she felt that she had been herself very critical of Elder Rasband when she first listened to this talk, because she was being very critical of herself.  It was like a mirror.  

Sister Pinborough said that the line that struck her when she first read this talk was where Elder Rasband said "Since ancient times, fear has limited the perspective God's children."  She thought about all of the revelation that we have had coming and she knows for her fear can just make her almost immobile and so she feels that we need to put fear in it's correct place and not give heed to it when it isn't necessary.

Sister Ward then asked the sisters, "Has there ever been a time in your life when you had true fear?  Something that just paralyzed you and if so would you be willing to share.  Perhaps something that they were supposed to accomplish or a trial.  Then how did they get through it."

Sister Gregory's sister-in-law told of when she was in a really bad car accident on July 27, 2016.  She said her first concern was, is my baby okay.  When she found out she was alright it helped her fears.  She feels that April cannot be in a better place than being with her aunt and uncle right now, because she herself cannot care for her right now.

Sister Bonnie Clark told of how she has fears of taking meals into the houses of those she has been called to serve.  She says it is so hard as ministering sisters she fears rejection.  

Sister Ward asked the sisters in the room to share ways that can help sister Bonnie overcome this fear.  Sister Gregory's sister-in-law said, "Whether they admit it or not, they are grateful for any assistance that they receive.  So don't take it personal and don't be offended, just be thankful that you are in a place that you are able to help them."

Sister Miller said that if you are in tune with the spirit, it can warn you if something is not right.  She has had cases where she has been warned not to go to a place.  So she thinks as far as going to someone's house, a strangers house, you probably need to rely on the spirit.  That if it is going to be something dangerous that you will be warned not to go.  Follow the spirit.

Sister Allison told of how she has claustrophobia and panic attacks.  With a lot of prayer she is now able to sit on the back row at the end of the row in the Temple and attend a session without having these attacks.  She has made progress due to blessings.

Sister Ashby told of a few years ago when she and her husband went on a trip back to Kentucky.  On their way they crossed through Indiana and saw a sign for the city of Gary, Indiana.  They thought it would be a fun thing to get a little magnet for their daughter who was at that time participating in the Music Man play.  So they pulled off the exit to that city and found that it was one of the scariest places they had ever been.  The buildings were boarded up and it was dirty.  They drove for awhile and thought they would find a small service station where they could pick something up but they didn't happen upon one.  Then they saw a grocery story and Bonnie said she thought they would have something and was just going to run in and see, but as she got out of the car and began walking forward she felt fear for her life.  She turned around and got back in her car and told brother Ashby that they needed to leave immediately.  They drove down the road and came to a service station and some people were in there.  They told them how that they had just come from Gary, Indiana and how it was really scary.  The people then told them don't ever go there.  It is a really bad place to be.  She knows it was the Spirit protecting them.  

Sister Norene Rawlins told of how when they were in their 50's, her husband Don went to work and there was a note on the door saying that the business was closed down.  They had no warning or anything that this would be happening.  The immediate worry was finances.  It was during a bad employment market.  She said in fact that her husband didn't fine employment for years.  It was really difficult.  The thought that came to her was, be grateful because Heavenly Father has lessons that need to be learned and He loved them enough to allow this opportunity for them to learn them.  So it helped her for years and they grew and a lot of good things came out of it.  She doesn't know how she would have made it through without that assurance that everything would be okay.  

Sister Miller told of the hardest thing that they have ever done was to move to Missouri.  When she received the prompting, she was floored that they needed to move.  At first it was just a feeling of panic.  How were they going to do this?  Why do we have to do this?  She then talked to her husband.  They went to the Temple and fasted and prayed about it.  They both received the confirmation that they were supposed to do this.  They had the feeling that he was supposed to apply for a new job and that is what took them back East.  This happened so fast for them.  Her husband received a promotion.  It was hard for them, but they learned to love it.  They loved being there and when the time came they found it hard to move back.  She feels that the Lord knows us and what we need to learn and we need to trust Him that it will work out.  Sometimes we need to say, "You know I don't know how this is going to work.  I know You need me to do this, and so I am leaving it in Your hands to make it happen."

Sister Ward then shared an experience that she had.  When she was a week before her eighteenth birthday she had decided to turn her life around.  She contacted the ward where she would attend in New York.  They found that she was from Utah and asked her to teach Relief Society.  It was terrifying.  She was shocked as she been addicted to drugs and had been living a very different life.  Once she decided to get clean from drugs she was going to live her life how Heavenly Father wanted her to live.  When she was called to teach Relief Society here, she knew she could do it because she had been blessed to do it back in New York when she first gone back to church.  She relied heavily on the Spirit and she felt Angels with her.

So one of the things that really stood out to Sister Ward in this talk was when Elder Rasband's children came to him and his wife and asked if they should have children.  She asked, "Have any of you felt this same question?"

Sister Caylee Garn told of how when she and Wyatt were deciding on getting married they weren't sure if they should go through the Temple first or not because a lot of her family couldn't go with them.  Her grandfather wouldn't be able to see her get married and she is close to him.  But it was really hard to imagine that they would have to wait a year before they would have that opportunity to be sealed if they got married civilly first.  This helped them make the decision to go ahead and be sealed in the Temple. 

Sister Ward told how a few days after she had her first daughter that her husband didn't come home from work.  It was eight hours after he was supposed to be home from work.  He worked graveyards and she was panicked. She said that he liked to meditate by getting out in nature and he had gone for a drive and he had turned his truck on it's side up by Doc's Flat right next to a cliff.  It terrified her enough that she told him that she wanted him to begin to attend church with her from then on.  Before that he didn't really know if he wanted to go or not.  She told him that she couldn't imagine eternity without him and through good home teachers they were able to wait the year and then go through.

Sister Christina Smith told of how back when she first got married back in 83-84.  She couldn't imagine back then why she needed to go through college and get her degree because it was talked about how the world was going to end and Christ was going to come, so why go to the trouble?  Why do that?  Now she looks at all of the years that have passed and she is glad that she did go and get her degree.  She has learned that you cannot live in fear or by what you fear.  You have to live your life the best you can right then and not wait.  

Sister Ward then read the part of Elder Rasband's talk about how fear is dispelled.  It says, " I have always loved the account of Elisha in 2 Kings. The king of Syria had sent a legion that “came by night, and compassed the city about.” Their intent was to capture and kill the prophet Elisha. We read:
“And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?”
That was fear speaking.
“And [Elisha] answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”
But he didn’t stop there.
“Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”
We may or may not have chariots of fire sent to dispel our fears and conquer our demons, but the lesson is clear. The Lord is with us, mindful of us and blessing us in ways only He can do. Prayer can call down the strength and the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The Lord knew that at times we would feel fear. I have been there and so have you, which is why the scriptures are replete with the Lord’s counsel:
“Be of good cheer, and do not fear.”
“Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”
“Fear not, little flock.” I love the tenderness of “little flock.” In this Church we may be few in number by the way the world counts influence, but when we open our spiritual eyes, “they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” Our loving Shepherd, Jesus Christ, then continues, “Let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.”
They have all of these armies against us.  In the 1828 Webster's dictionary, under battle it talks about the enemy coming upon you.  That's what a battle is.  The reason we are being told this story is about Elisha and his servants and being able to see all of the armies of Heaven is because that is what is happening against us.  But we can't see it.  But it is happening in lots of different ways.   What is Elisha telling us to do?  Fear Not.  How many times does it say that in the bible?  A lot!  Be of good cheer is another saying that is said numerous times as well.  
How is fear dispelled? For the young lad, he was standing right next to Elisha, a prophet of God. We have that same promise. When we listen to President Russell M. Nelson, when we hearken to his counsel, we are standing with a prophet of God.  
Have you ever considered that when you are listening to his counsel it is like you are standing right next to him.  Sister Ward got a lot of comfort from this.  
Remember the words of Joseph Smith: “And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!” Jesus Christ lives. Our love for Him and His gospel dispels fear." 
This is Elder Rasband cheering us on.  He is giving us the encouragement and support to keep going on.  
Sister Ward then asked the sisters to close their eyes and consider a problem or a trial that they are dealing with right now.  Imagine if President Nelson was standing next to you.  What would he say to you?  We can read his counsel.  We can study his words.  We can watch conference talks and dvd's about his life.  He is amazing!  What would he say to you?  What would he do?  Would he put his arm around your should?  Would he tell you that he believes in you?  Could you feel his love coming straight to you?  If you had the Savior there what would He do?  Would He encourage you?  What would He say to you?  
Sister Daphne said that she can actually feel his love when she watches the prophet on the TV.  She can't explain it, but she feels it. 
Sister Tammy said, "she loves the talks that he has addressed straight to the sisters."  He is saying, like our Stake President said today ~ He wants you to know that Heavenly Father loves you.  Not just know it, but truly feel it.  
One thing that Sister Pinborough said that President Nelson has said several times over the past couple of years is "the other side of the veil." He has brought the veil closer to her.  When we talk about fear it is like you know this, but there are people on both sides of the veil that are cheering us and loving us on.  She loves this statement and she is hearing it more and more.
Sister Gregory's sister-in-law then told of how she has dealt with depression and anxiety for the past several years.  She has felt that God doesn't hear her or answer her prayers.  She has a caregiver that she has gotten close to and he and his wife are true friends to her.  She told of how his wife came to help her and she was crying.  This sister asked her what was wrong.  The wife then told her of how this man had had surgery for two totally blocked arteries in his heart.  When she was told this.  Sister Gregory's sister-in-law felt God put his arm around her and told her that He loved her and her friends and that He would take care of her and that it would be okay.  This experience made her testimony stronger than it has ever been. 
We were grateful that she shared this experience.
Sister Ward then split the room into two teams.  Team 1 was to look for the lies that were talked about in this talk and Team 2 was to look for the truth that was talked about in this talk.
Lies told to us by Satan:
Not good enough
To harden our hearts
Unrealistic Expectations
Feeling forgotten by the Lord
That you are alone
That there is no hope

Truths given to us by Heavenly Father:
The Lord Loves us
That the Lord is with us always
Through Christ all Lies are dispelled.
Heavenly Father wants us to be secure and confident
Counters our fears
Prayer can call down the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ
Be Still
Living the Gospel
Encourage priorities
Jesus Christ life increases our testimony

Sister Jensen told of an experience about eight years ago. The quote by President Nelson, "If we are to have any hope of sifting though the myriad of voices and the philosophy's of men that attack truth we must learn to receive revelation." She remembers that when she was beginning to learn about this, her husband had given her a blessing and in it he said that the safety of her children would depend on her ability to receive revelation. At the time she thought something bad was going to happen to them. But she started getting up early to do her scripture study, because she was determined to do that because of her children. She felt the scales falling from her eyes because she was willing to sacrifice and spend her time this way. Now she sees why this verse from President Nelson is what he was talking about for her children at this time.

Sister Ward then wanted to share some verses before she ended her lesson.
"Remember, “they that be with us” on both sides of the veil, those who love the Lord with all their heart, might, mind, and strength, “are more than they that be with them."  
So if you think of an actual battle.  If you believe about the war in Heaven, then you have to know that the battle is not necessarily a physical one.  We need to remember that the battle is more of an attack on our hearts and minds rather than physically.

Heavenly Father has sent us a prophet that is constantly building up the sisters in Zion. He is constantly telling us that he loves us. When are we actually going to believe it? When are we going to sift out all of the other garbage and the other things that the world is telling us and actually feel the truthfulness of what he is saying? That the Lord loves you, that you matter to Him. That you matter to Him today, right now. That your problems are His problems. He is right there with you. That no matter how big or how small that He is on your side and He wants you to come back to Him. That He loves you and He is right there all we have to do is ask for His help. He lives and He died and suffered for us, and He would do it all again, even if it was just you. Amen.

Thank you Sister Ward for this beautiful lesson.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

1/13/2019 bible videos for "Come Follow Me" Lessons

This is the link to the Bible videos for "Come Follow Me" Curriculum that Jamie mentioned in her lesson today:

1-13-2019 Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ by Elder Quentin L. Cook

Welcome: Tina Gregory- Check Bulletin for Announcements.
LaJuana Pulver passed away this last week.  We pray for and celebrate her life with Michelle and her family.  Her funeral  will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2019 at 12:00 Noon in the Fielding Stake Center (4375 W. 15600 N.- Fielding). A viewing will be held Friday evening, January 18, 2019 from 5-7 p.m. at the Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home (111 N. 100 E.- Tremonton), and prior to the funeral service at the church from 10:30- 11:30 a.m. Interment in the Fielding Cemetery.

Jamie Johnson (Teacher)  Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ by Elder Quentin L. Cook

Discussion about the home-centered church supported curriculum "Come Follow Me"

  • Who is this for?

Family- us- parents, children, youth, people missionaries are training, everyone

"The new home-study Come, Follow Me resource for individuals and families—also covering the New Testament—is designed to help members learn the gospel in the home. It explains: “This resource is for every individual and family in the Church. It is designed to help [us better] learn the gospel—whether on [our] own or with [our] family. … The outlines in this [new] resource are organized according to a weekly … schedule.”

  • When do we do this curriculum?

Always- Sunday- Everyday-
"We trust you to counsel together and to seek revelation for implementing these adjustments—while not looking beyond the mark or trying to regiment individuals or families. Additional information will be shared in upcoming communications, including a First Presidency letter and enclosure."

  • Where?
In our home- Church- Cars - Anywhere
"In the home-centered, Church-supported portion of this adjustment, there is flexibility for each individual and family to determine prayerfully how and when it will be implemented."

  • How?

Group Discussion How is this curriculum or change going to work for you?  How is it going for you now?  What is or is not working?  Discus in groups of 4 or 5 sisters. 

  • Using the gospel library app- click on Come follow me- then go to primary- as you discuss and teach the 'Come Follow Me" at home click on the links to clips and songs for children.  It adds variety and is at your fingertips.
  • Study in the car as you drive to certain places each time.  
  • We study one section a night for the week.  It might take 10-20 minutes .  We love it.  
  • There is a link to videos that go with the curriculum.  
  • Put the lesson topic- with a picture on the fridge so your family sees it during the week and keeps it in their minds.

  • Why?
What is the purpose and blessings of doing the "Come Follow me Curriculum?"
  1. Prepare for the 2nd coming
  2. Learn doctrine
  3. Deepen our conversion
  4. Continual progression
  5. Strengthen our faith
  6. Missionary work
  7. Strengthen our testimonies
  8. Draw family closer
  9. Helps make the Sabbath a delight
  10. Combines home and church
  11. Contributes to joyful gospel living
  12. Change of heart
  13. Joyful family time
  14. Increase ability for personal revelation
  15. Help us become more like Jesus Christ
  16. Deep and Lasting conversion
  17. Help us rely on Christ to change our hearts

"What do these adjustments mean for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? We are confident that members will be blessed in extraordinary ways. Sunday can be a day of gospel learning and teaching at church and in the home. As individuals and families engage in family councils, family history, ministering, service, personal worship, and joyful family time, the Sabbath day will truly be a delight."

This new curriculum has been in the works before President Nelson Become the prophet.  Jamie's father in law works for church distribution and the "Come Follow Me" curriculum has been ready to go for 3 -4 years but church leaders kept saying wait the time needs to be just right. 

"World conditions increasingly require deepening individual conversion to and strengthening faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. The Lord has prepared us, line upon line, for the perilous times that we now face. In recent years, the Lord has guided us to address related core concerns, including:
  • Honoring the Sabbath day and the sacred ordinance of the sacrament has again been emphasized for the last three years.
  • Under the bishop’s direction, strengthened elders quorums and Relief Societies are focused on the purpose and divinely appointed responsibilities of the Church9 and helping members make and keep sacred covenants.
  • Ministering in a higher and holier way is being joyfully adopted.
  • Beginning with the end in mind, temple covenants and family history service are becoming a purposeful part of the covenant path.

The adjustment announced this morning is yet another example of guidance for the challenges of our day. "

This curriculum and change to home centered gospel living has been line upon line.  This is the next step.  If we are obedient to what God has revealed to us we are showing God we are ready for more.  Seek revelation for your family.  Don't overwhelm.  But do the small and simple things that add to great blessings.

Jamie's mom:  While she was in Portugal on her mission saw a duplex.  One side of the duplex was bright yellow, beautiful roof tiles, green trees, nice lawn, open windows.  The other side was grey, dead lawn, shutters down. She thought to herself "which side do I want to live in?" The side that looks happy where the Spirit wants to be or the side that is dark and needs to be painted, weeded and cared for.  The other side is not doing the small and simple things.  When we do the small and simple things our lives will be blessed.  She read in her journal when her children were small " Mondays are hard. Trying to have family night... But I have faith in the prophets blessings.  Years later her journal read: "it is one of the greatest blessings in our lives that we had and continue to have family hour".  The small and simple things make a big difference to our lives.

Jamie: We all have trials and wounds.  Sometimes we think I just can't do one more thing.  Last week her son had the flue.  He wanted his mom to sit with him and said, "I wish Jesus could come and heal me now."  There are times in all our lives when we want Jesus to come and heal us now.  If you are feeling tired and overwhelmed, start small, let the 'Come Follow Me" Curriculum help you.  Think of the goal making our Sabbath be a delight.
"The most important goal and ultimate blessing of deep and lasting conversion is worthily receiving the covenants and ordinances of the covenant pathway." 

Jamie: She was the slowest on her track team.  She only joined so she could prove to herself that she could do something hard even though she was not good at it.  She ran leg 2 or 3 of the 4 by 4.  Her friend who ran before her would go back to the second bend and cheer her on and run with her even though she just ran.  Her friend never let her quit- even though at that second bend she wanted to quit. 

 In our lives Jesus is standing at that second bend to cheer us on, run with us, and bring us in.  

Then Jamie gave us a bookmark with this quote on it:
"The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith.  I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight.  Your children will be excited to learn and to live the Savior's teachings, and the influence of the adversary in your life and in your home will decrease.  Changes in your family will be dramatic and sustaining."  - President Russell M. Nelson