Sunday, November 25, 2018

New Come Follow Me Curriculum 2019

Today we met as a combined Relief Society and Priesthood to discuss and learn about the new 2019 curriculum.  Following is information to help you understand the changes that are to be made. 

A New Balance between Gospel Instruction in the Home and in the Church

Enclosure to the First Presidency letter dated October 6, 2018

The Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has approved a significant step in achieving a new balance between gospel instruction in the home and in the Church. Purposes and blessings associated with this and other recent changes include the following:
  •   Deepening conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthening faith in Them.
  •   Strengthening individuals and families through home-centered, Church-supported curriculum that contributes to joyful gospel living.
  •   Honoring the Sabbath day, with a focus on the ordinance of the sacrament.
  •   Helping all of Heavenly Father’s children on both sides of the veil through missionary
    work and receiving ordinances and covenants and the blessings of the temple.
    Beginning in January 2019, the Sunday schedule followed throughout the Church will include a 60-minute sacrament meeting, and after a 10-minute transition, a 50-minute class period.

    Sunday Schedule Beginning January 2019

    60-Minute Sacrament meeting
    10-Minute Transition to classes
    50-Minute  Classes for Adults; Classes for Youth; Classes for Primary

    The 50-minute class period for youth and adults will alternate each Sunday according to the following schedule:

      First and third Sundays: Sunday School.
      Second and fourth Sundays: Priesthood quorums, Relief Society, and Young Women.
      Fifth Sundays: youth and adult meetings under the direction of the bishop. The bishop determines the subject to be taught, the teacher or teachers (usually members of the ward or stake), and whether youth and adults, men and women, young men and young women meet separately or combined.
  • Primary will be held each Sunday for 50 minutes and includes singing time and classes.
    The adjusted Sunday schedule allows for, and members are encouraged to hold, home evening and to study the gospel at home on Sunday—or at other times as individuals and families choose. A family activity night could be held on Monday or at other times. To this end, leaders should continue to keep Monday evenings free from Church meetings and activities. However, time spent in home evening, gospel study in the home, and activities for families and individuals is scheduled according to individual circumstances.
Informally, and as organized by those who so desire, young single adults, single adults, single parents, part-member families, new members, and others can gather to enjoy sociality and to strengthen one another through gospel study.

A new resource, Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, will be provided to support gospel study at home.

The following Link will help you to understand the Come, Follow Me - For Individuals and Families.  You can click on it here to view.

This link will help you understand the Come, Follow Me - For Sunday School.  To help you understand it you can click on it here.

This link will help you understand the Come, Follow Me - For Primary.  This will help you understand the changes that will be made in Primary.  You can click on it here

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sisters' Participation in the Gathering of Israel

~ The Temple will be closed November 21 & 22
~ Ward Temple Night is November 29th.
~ Ward Sewing day will be November 27th 10-2
Today's lesson was given by Sister Tammy Ward.  It was based on President Nelson's conference talk given in the Women's General Conference Session.

Sister Tammy was so excited to give this lesson.  She said that this lesson wasn't just about the four invitations that President Nelson gave, but it is literally about preparing for the second coming of our Savior.  This topic holds a special place in Sister Ward's heart and so she was so happy to be able to teach this lesson.

Sister Ward told of how last night she was at the book store with her daughter and as she turned around, she saw a beautiful picture.  As she got closer and looked at the picture, the Spirit bore witness to her that she was one of these in the picture.  The picture depicts the Savior with many people kneeling and worshipping Him. This picture touched Sister Ward's heart and as she thought about it and put herself there in the painting, it was life-changing for her.

She allowed us to pass the painting around and look at it.  As I first saw the picture I thought it was sheep following Him, but as I was able to look at the picture I realized it was people kneeling.  It was a beautiful picture.  As I thought about it, I realized that it could represent either one as we are His sheep and follow Him, but we are also worshippers of our Savior.  

As Tammy began this lesson, she reflected on when President Nelson was sustained as the Prophet.  She said that when this happened the Spirit spoke to her so strongly and she was moved to tears as it was revealed to her that Russell M. Nelson truly was the Prophet of God.  This has happened to her several times since then and it has reiterated and strengthened her testimony that he is the Prophet of God.  

One of the things that Sister Ward loves about President Nelson is his optimism and the deep love that he always wants us to feel from him.  

As she prepared for this lesson, she walked around her home and tried to find quotes, pictures and signs that would put across the feelings that President Nelson taught in this talk.  One that she found said, "Don't be like the rest of them Darling!"  another said, "You were created to make a difference."  She thought how these went along with his talk.  

She then wanted those in the room to do an activity.  She handed around lime green and bright pink recipe cards.  She had the sisters take one of each.  Then she asked us to go through President Nelson's talk and write on one of the cards our favorite quote.  We then put them on the board.  Some of the following were taken from the cards on the board:

  • Pray to understand your spiritual gifts.  To cultivate and use and expand them even more than you ever have.  You will Change the world as you do so.
  • No One can do what a Righteous woman can do!
  • It was your glorious Mother Eve ~ with her far reaching vision of our Heavenly Father's plan, who initiated what we call "The Fall".  Her wise and courageous choice moved the plan of happiness forward.  Follow your feelings.
  • When asked why I became a heart surgeon, my reply was, "Because I couldn't be a mother."
  • We Need You!  We need your strength, your conversion, your conviction, your ability to lead, your wisdom and your voices.  We simply cannot gather Israel without you.
  • Pray every day, "whom wouldst thou have me help today?"

After this activity, sister Ward told of how this past week, both her husband and her mother finished reading the Book of Mormon.  She asked them specifically how this made them feel.  Her mother said, "Two words"  Tammy thought, how can you put this into two words, but her mother continued and said, "So fulfilling."  She then asked her husband and he said, "Wow, I had no idea how these patterns kept showing up.  You can learn a lot by watching other people.  Both their mistakes and their blessings."

She then handed out some pictures that she had and she told the story of how she obtained them.  

She has a friend who is an artist.  She drew this picture and it is called the Compassionate Christ.  Her name is Kendra Burton.  She gave these pictures to Tammy a couple of years ago and said, "Someday you will need these.  When you do, you will have them.  They will be right there and handy and you will know what they are there for."  

As Tammy was looking around her home for the quotes and pictures she wanted to bring today, she went down into her office.  She hasn't been down there for awhile because she uses her other office most of the time.  But there on the corner of her desk was the stack of these pictures.  They had been put away, but her cleaning lady when she had come this week took them out and put them on her desk.  As she saw them, she remembered what her friend had said and she knew she needed to bring them today.  

Tammy then talked about the invitations that President Nelson gave us sisters and she explained that they are not a to-do list that needs to be checked off.  They are literally an invitation to be a part of the most important work that there ever has been on this earth in regards to preparing for the second coming.   She said it is a way that He is including us as women in the Church.  She feels that Heavenly Father really does love us and He values us and knows how important the gifts that He has given us are in doing this work.

Then she had us do another activity.  She split the room up into four groups.  Each group was to take one of the invitations that we were given by President Nelson.  We were to talk about how we are accomplishing them, the blessings that we are seeing from doing them and maybe tips to help those that are struggling with them.

Then Tammy told of how hard the first invitation was for her.  She told of how it was physically hard for her.  But as she did it and prayed for help, she was directed to contact some friends that she hadn't been in touch with for sometime.  One of these friends owns an apple orchard.  This woman's husband was in Germany with their older children.  This friend needed help picking this orchard.  She told Tammy how several friends had contacted her and had told her the same thing, they were on a social media fast and just wanted to reconnect with her.  It was an answer to this friends prayers.  Several of these sisters helped her pick and can the apples in her orchard. 

The first invitation is:  A 10-day fast from social media.
  • Just turn it off.
  • Listen to good music.
  • Set time limits.
  • Read your scriptures more.
  • More family time.
  • More peace in their lives.
  • Feel the Spirit more.
  • Recognize the Spirit more.
The second invitation is: Reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.
  • Read 8-10 pages a day if you can.
  • If you can't read, listen to it.
  • Put your scriptures out so that you see them and they remind you.
  • Helps us recognize the blessings we are receiving.
  • You make time for what is most important. For other things you will make excuses.
The third invitation is: Establish a Pattern of regular Temple Attendance.
  • Set up a schedule and follow it.
  • Commit and go with a friend
*Tammy said that if anyone in the ward wants to go but doesn't have a babysitter, she would love to do that for you.*

BLESSINGS:  We were running out of time, so were not able to go into the blessings of this invitation.

The fourth invitation was: Participate fully in Relief Society.
  • Read and understand the Relief Society Declaration.
  • Make a family statement.
BLESSINGS: Again, we were unable to go into these due to lack of time.  

We appreciate the beautiful lesson that Sister Ward gave.  The Spirit was with us as we discussed these invitations.  If you haven't had a chance I would encourage you to read this talk by President Nelson and commit to fulfilling these invitations.  

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gather Together in One All Things in Christ

~ Please remember to sign up for tithing settlement.  The sign-up sheet is on the Clerk's office door.  Tithing settlement will be held on Dec 2nd, 9th and 16th.
~ Sewing will be this Tuesday from 10-2.  Come and  bring your projects and have a good visit.
~ Tuesday Evening at 6 pm will be Relief Society Night.  It will be in the chapel so please come in your church dress.
~ Sister Annalee Ashby had her baby on Wednesday.  Mother and sweet baby are doing great!
Today's lesson was facilitated by Sister Jamie Johnson.  It was based on Elder Bednar's recent conference talk titled, "Gather Together in One All Things in Christ.

Sister Johnson wanted to have this lesson be a discussion because she felt like Elder Bednar is so eloquent in his teachings that she couldn't add and so wanted to discuss what we felt about this talk.

She began by talking about how all of the new announcements, changes and adjustments that are being made by the Church are all pointing us to Christ.  Elder Bednar said, "They have only one overarching purpose to strengthen faith in Heavenly Father and His plan and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and His atonement." She said that this was the main preface of this talk and then she opened it up for discussion saying, "Let's teach each other and discuss what we think and how we feel," stating that she would interject sometimes throughout the discussion.  

Who would like to share what they thought?  Sister Cheri Smith said her favorite thing in Elder Bednar's talk wasn't that they had changed to a new 2-hour schedule beginning in January.  Her favorite thing was where he said, "God has revealed a pattern of spiritual progress for individuals and families through ordinances, teaching, programs, and activities that are home centered and Church supported."  She said that is what this was all about.  

Sister Johnson agreed and said that this is what Elder Bednar said at the beginning of his talk when he said, "The Sunday meeting schedule was not simply shortened.  Rather, we now have increased opportunities and responsibilities as individuals and families to use our time for enhancing the Sabbath as a delight at home and at church."  It isn't just a shorter meeting.  Sister Johnson's father-in-law had told her that when he was listening to it he thought Oh Yea! But then he thought about it and realized that now we as members are going to have to do more.

Sister Johnson said that it is such a blessing because now we can fit in those things that perhaps we have wanted to do but didn't know how to find the time or energy to do like family history work, family time, ministering or better scripture study.  She had been praying about how to do these things better and this was such an answer to her prayers.  Now she will be given the time to do these things.

Sister Tina Gregory commented that her favorite thing is how it compares to the Ninth Article of Faith that states, "We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”  They have given us a timeline of things that have been revealed beginning with President Kimball and how he instructed members of the Church to build Zion throughout the world.  Then how they consolidated the meeting schedule on Sundays.  We were then given the Proclamation to the World and the building of more and more temples has been announced.  The Church developed the perpetual education fund to help teach self-reliance.  President Monson exhorted Saints to "rescue" and care for the poor and needy.  Then the changes that were given six months ago relating to the aligning of Priesthood quorums."  We have been given so much and there is more to come.  

Sister Johnson said that it isn't just separate little initiatives that we are getting but that these are building upon each other and it is preparing us for the next revelation to come.
She mentioned that this continuing revelation is what sets our church apart and how wonderful it is that we have this continuing revelation.  She compared it to a stagnant pond.  If we were to have just the scriptures and was never added to it would be stagnant, but because we have continuing revelation to add to the scriptures it is like a stream flowing into the pond and going out of the pond and that keeps it clear and clarifies for us.  We are always getting more and more revelation that builds upon previous revelation and the scriptures and applies them to our day.  

Sister Bonnie said she liked the part in Elder Bednar's talk where he compares us to a rope.  If we were a single strand we wouldn't be very strong.  But because we intertwine everyones talents, abilities and desires together we can be strong like a rope.  She said that she thinks it is critical in todays world that we cling to each other because it is going to become necessary to support and help each other in the coming days. 

Sister Johnson agreed and reminded us of the lesson she gave where she had everyone take a piece of string and then we put the together and how strong they were when they were together.  She also said that she thinks that the Gospel is unified and that her understanding is that each part of the gospel is like a little thread and that as we interweave them and live them all we become stronger instead of just check listing things, making them a part of our lives, a stronger conversion. 

Elder Bednar said, "Much like the braided strands of a rope produce a powerful and durable tool, all of these interrelated actions are part of a unified effort to better align the focus, resources and work of the Savior's restored Church with its fundamental mission: to assist God in His work to bring to pass the salvation and exaltation of His children." He said to not just focus on the logistical aspects but the overarching spiritual reasons that these changes are being made for.

Sister Tama Johns said that when she read this talk yesterday, there is a part where Elder Bednar talks about separating things and making them a checklist.  She said it isn't about doing everything separate, but doing them together that is what ties us to Christ.  That is what it all comes down to.  

Sister Johnson then talked about how everything we do in the church ties back to Christ.  

All of the ordinances and things we are taught that we should do ties back into Him.  He is the rope.  Each ordinance and thing we do is just the strand and He is the conversion.  If we do all of these things it makes us strong in Christ.  

Sister Johnson said that as Elder Bednar gave this talk she wanted to make sure that she studied this part of his talk.  He said, "We must be careful because pharisaical focus upon checklists can divert us from drawing closer to the Lord." 

Sister Cheri Smith said, that if we are focused on just reading the Book of Mormon to check it off our list, then we are missing out on the spiritual aspect of that experience.  It is like the Spirit of the Law vs the Letter of the Law.   We need to keep the law but focus on how it will effect us spiritually rather than just checking it off our list. 

Sister Stringham stated that she is a very checklist oriented person and how much she loves them.  However, she also said that when relating them to things of the Gospel and the Savior, it is never something that can be checked off so you can then move on.  A checklist is something that you complete and she said she didn't think that this is the experience that we are supposed to have with these things.  A checklist is cold to her when it comes to the things of the Savior.  We are here to continue to learn and grow.

Sister Johnson agreed and said it is more about becoming more like Christ than checking things off a list.  We are never done.  Sister Stringham added that she doesn't think Christ  ever checks us off His list which is a blessing. Christ isn't like this and so the more we focus the spirit of it the more we will be like Him. 

Sister Katie Hess talked about how there was a time in her life that she really used checklists a lot.  But she got to where if she didn't finish the things on her list, she would beat herself up, she didn't feel close to the spirit and think she would think she was a failure.  She feels like they can be detrimental in that aspect also.  Because if you are feeling like a failure you aren't close to the spirit or the Savior at all.  She finally had to let them go and she said that by doing so and just trying to do the best she could she was able to feel closer to the spirit and she knew the Lord would make up the difference.  She said it is a daily thing that she struggles with - just doing the best she can and then turning everything else over to the Lord.

Sister Johnson said that if you are living that way, the Spirit can work with you.  She said that maybe you don't go visit your sister on a certain day, maybe you read to your child instead, but maybe this is what the spirit would have you do.  We need to learn to listen to what he wants us to do.  She told of how when President Nelson asked the sisters to read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year.  She felt really pressured because she was reading other scriptures and wanted to finish them.  Her husband suggested that there are times when if we pray we will find that there are ways that are individualized to each of us that will help us do what is asked, but perhaps not how we think it should be.  So Sister Johnson prayed about it and she felt really good about listening to the Book of Mormon when she could and that allowed her to finish reading the other scriptures also.  Heavenly Father is interested in us as individuals and helping us to feel successful.  We just need to do our best.  Heavenly Father accepts our best efforts and only He knows what our best efforts are.  

Sister Coombs said that her favorite of this was being able to underline the scriptures that relate to Jesus Christ or talk of Him.  She said the Book of Mormon truly is a testament of Jesus Christ.  She also said that she feels that we have been doing just the opposite of what the brethren are now asking.  We have been doing lessons at church and very little at home.  

Sister Johnson said that her mother is doing the same thing with regards to marking her scriptures relating to Christ.  She said her mother is shocked at how many scriptures she missed when doing this previously.  There are so many that relate to our Savior.  

Sister Johnson then asked what we think about the part in Elder Bednar's talk where it is bolded stating "home centered and church supported."

Sister Clark said that she thinks it will be best if we look to the youth.  She said, "whose responsibility is it to prepare them to be missionaries?" She said it has to start at home and then let the church support you.

Sister Pinborough said she remembers when she was a girl and the church meetings were on different days of the week and then when the consolidated program came and it was like heaven.  Then she said that as she looks as the programs that are being implemented that you can see the Lord's hand in this work.  She said the Lord has seen our needs and how we need to just trust in Him. 

Sister Mattinson said that as she looks at her own life she sees the need for more emphasis on the home.  She said that with our lifestyles these days the emphasis has been taken away from that.  That if we do this it will bring us closer as families.  This will be another benefit.

Sister Johnson said that she thinks that with every generation Satan has helped us to be more and more busy and how he is trying to tear families apart.  This will help us to keep those bonds in our families strong.  This will help us focus on Gospel teaching.  

Sister Pinborough then read a paragraph from Elder Bednar's talk that stood out to her.  It read, "I believe that the sequence and timing of these actions over many decades can help us to see on united and comprehensive work and not just a series of independent and discrete initiatives.  God has revealed a pattern of spiritual progress for individuals and families through ordinances, teaching, programs, and activities that are home centered and church supported."

Sister Rose commented saying that she doesn't mean to sound boastful, but that because Heavenly Father is aware of us and that this is the only place that you or your family or your friends can run to, to feel safe from the world and what is going on. 

Sister Johnson agreed that with the way the world is going and how things are slipping that the church and our homes are the only safe place.  She said how not long ago when she was in high school the world was a different place and it is slipping fast.  It has changed so fast.  She is told in her patriarchs blessing that she will know how to make her home a refuge for her family to be safe.  That is what we all need to do. 

Elder Bednar said  "In 1978 President Kimball instructed members to build up the strength of Zion throughout the world .  He further indicated that more temples would be built and promised blessings for the Saints wherever they lived in the world.  

As the number of stakes increased, the need was intensified for member homes to "become places where family members (Loved) to be, where they (could) enrich their lives and find mutual love, support, appreciation and encouragement."

That really touched Sister Johnson that in 1978 the push was to make the home a refuge and a place where you and your family wanted to be.  

She then talked about how revelations build on revelations and how in our Regional Conference Elder Ballard stated that when all of the temples that are under construction are finished there will be 201 temples.  She remembered how President Hinkley talked of having a hundred temples by the year 2000, and how in only 18 years we have doubled that.  If this pace of buildings continues in 18 more years there will be 400 temples.   Some of the sisters in the room mentioned that when they were in primary they hoped to visit all of the 13 temples in the world when they grew up.  There are now 19 temples in Utah.  The growth is amazing.  

Sister Clark talked about how busy the temples are now and how there is always a wait to do the work.  Family history work is moving forward and it is going to take everyone of us to get the work done.  She truly has a testimony of the work that is being done there. 

Sister Coombs said that one of her daughters went to a temple in Taiwan and they were asked where their names were.  The temple had some that they were able to do, but we need to be doing our family history work and get our names. 

Sister Pinborough talked about how families are able to do the work there.  Fathers can baptize and the youth are able to help and assist.  Her granddaughter handed out the towels in the baptistry.  

Sister Johnson told of how when she was a girl only the beehive girls were able to go because their ward could only go once a year.  Now the youth are able to have their own recommends.  Things are moving forward.  

Sister Johnson then wanted to end by emphasizing how everything points to Christ.  The talk by Elder Bednar was Gather Together in One All Things in Christ.  So she made notes all through the talk.  

  • The Sabbath meeting was shortened. It said to use our time for enhancing the Sabbath as a delight at home and at church.  That points to Christ. 
  • Last April the Higher and Holier way of Ministering was revealed.  That points to Christ.  What did Christ do?  He ministered.  So we are being more like him when we do this.
  • Next year we will be studying the New Testament.  That points to Christ. 
  • If you think of anything that we do the meetings that we hold, the Temples and ordinances, everything is a thread that ties us to Christ.  
If we focus on Christ in everything we do, ministering, temple attendance, scripture study, paying tithing, going to church, teaching your family,  going on missions, family history, the myriad of things we need to do.  If He is our focus it wraps it up in a perfect package.  If he is our focus, it changes us.  By doing those actions, it isn't just a check list. It is changing our hearts to become more like him.  

This is what Sister Johnson wanted us to focus on.  With everything we are asked to do in the church sometimes it feels overwhelming, but if we compare them as sister Johnson did to a clock.  Each thing  we do is like a mechanism, a cog or a gear.  When we attend church we learn about the pieces and parts.  As we focus on doing them; like learning to be more intent on improving; like focusing more on Christ this week or improving our prayers, etc. it is like we are oiling the parts and after a while our clocks will be running in tip top shape and we will just maintaining it.  We won't feel so overwhelmed.  We come to church to learn how to oil our clocks and turn our hearts closer and closer to our Savior.  

She brought a basket because it represents gathering to her.  She said that it is like Christ is our basket and that all of the different types of things that we have to do in the church if we keep it all centered on Christ, He is like our basket.  He is our focus and what holds the whole church together.  He is with us.  

She then talked about a book she was reading that Sister Okazaki wrote where she talked of how we often treat Christ as a visitor.  He comes to our homes and we put Him in our nice living room and tell Him we are so glad He is there, but in the kitchen we have a pot boiling over and then we have to run a child somewhere and then there is another and another thing that keeps us from visiting with Him.  She talked of how we need to stop making Him a separate part of our lives.  He needs to be everything in our lives.  He wants to be there when our pots are boiling over.  He wants to be there when we are taking our children places and when we have activities.  We need to have Him walk with us through our lives.  He wants to be there by our sides, not tucked away in a living room.  If He is with us and we ask ourselves, what would my Savior do, we will be like Him because He is our focus.  We will be better in our lives.  We need to invite Him to be part of us.  He will help our lives be joyous. 

Thanks to Jamie for teaching this beautiful lesson.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November 4th

Announcements: The Primary program is next Sunday.  The children will be practising on Saturday at 10:00.
Relief Society Night is the 13th this month.
 Sewing is also on the 13th from 10-2.
- Keep reading the Book of Mormon for Pres. Nelson's Challenge.
-Our Bishop is home and doing fine- his toe is wrapped up- he is not supposed to get out of bed- they will know more tomorrow.

Tina Gregory referenced Sister Cordon's talk "Becoming a Shepherd" from conference.  She talked about how Peter was always following the Savior and after Christ was resurrected Peter needed to be guided by revelation- because the Savior was not right beside him.  We need to be guided by revelation because the Savior is not visible right beside us. Sister Cordon gave us three ways to be a shepherd in the church: The first is we need to know and number his sheep (make sure everyone knows they matter and the Savior loves them).  That someone is aware of their circumstances.

Tina feels there is a lot we don't know about the sisters in our ward and to be aware of each other we need to know each other.  She then had us each introduce ourselves and tell a little about ourselves and our families, what we do, what makes us happy-  We need to know each other.

Each sister then took a turn telling about themselves and what they like to do.  It was wonderful getting to know each other better.