Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November 4th

Announcements: The Primary program is next Sunday.  The children will be practising on Saturday at 10:00.
Relief Society Night is the 13th this month.
 Sewing is also on the 13th from 10-2.
- Keep reading the Book of Mormon for Pres. Nelson's Challenge.
-Our Bishop is home and doing fine- his toe is wrapped up- he is not supposed to get out of bed- they will know more tomorrow.

Tina Gregory referenced Sister Cordon's talk "Becoming a Shepherd" from conference.  She talked about how Peter was always following the Savior and after Christ was resurrected Peter needed to be guided by revelation- because the Savior was not right beside him.  We need to be guided by revelation because the Savior is not visible right beside us. Sister Cordon gave us three ways to be a shepherd in the church: The first is we need to know and number his sheep (make sure everyone knows they matter and the Savior loves them).  That someone is aware of their circumstances.

Tina feels there is a lot we don't know about the sisters in our ward and to be aware of each other we need to know each other.  She then had us each introduce ourselves and tell a little about ourselves and our families, what we do, what makes us happy-  We need to know each other.

Each sister then took a turn telling about themselves and what they like to do.  It was wonderful getting to know each other better.