Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Yearning for Home

A Yearning for Home by Elder Uchtdorf, November Ensign, Pg 21

Elder Uchtdorf said, "Turn your soul toward the light.  Begin your own wonderful journey home."
Take time to ponder this and journal this week about how you are turning toward the light on your journey home.

This weeks discussion was facilitated by Sister Jamie Johnson.  She told a story of when she was a young teenager and her family had been visiting Martin's Cove and Rocky Ridge and a few other church sites.  When they were at Rocky Ridge, her father was going to drive up and over the ridge.  At that time you could drive up and over the ridge and go out another way and that is what they had decided to do.  At the top they were going to have a family picnic.

At the beginning of the road up the ridge, there is a sign warning people to make sure that they have checked the weather reports and know what the weather was going to be.  Jamie's father and family looked around at the blue sky and decided to take the drive.  However, as they got toward the top of the ridge the winds began to pick up and clouds blew in.  As they got closer to the top it got worse and they went down the other side, but they couldn't find the road that took you out that way and her father decided that they would need to go back up the ridge and out the way they had come.  It had gotten darker and Jamie had to help her dad as they tried to miss big rocks and such going back up the ridge.

Jamie told of how before the trip started she had prayed that they would have a "pioneer-type" experience.  Well, as the trip continued Jamie had begun to pray and she said she never stopped praying while they were up on the ridge.  It was frightening.  As they were trying to find their way back down off the ridge, some distance up ahead they saw lights from another car.  When her father finally made it back down to that car he knew where they were and lead the other car out with their family as that family had been lost also.

Jamie likened this to how when we are having a hard time, Heavenly Father often helps us out by sending the light and others to help.  But they (Jamie's family) had to turn and follow the lights.  We also need to do this.  We need to turn towards the light of our Heavenly Father and once we find the light we know we can make it.

Jamie asked the question, "How have you tried to turn toward the light?"

Tammy Ward explained that keeping her home clean helps her feel closer to the Spirit.  She talked how she read how a house of order helps to keep the Spirit close.  When there is chaos and uncleanliness it is hard to have the Spirit near.  She is also trying as well as some of the other sisters to help teach this to their children.  You can feel the Spirit when things are clean.

Merlynn Kent talked about how when she is having a bad day or even a bad week, she turns on uplifting music.  It helps her feel closer to the Spirit.

Others stated how doing scripture study is helping them to have better days.  Sister Phipps talked about how last week it was mentioned that Sister Kent sends out a Monday message to her grandchildren.  Sister Phipps is going to try that and see how it works with her family.

It was so uplifting to listen to how the sisters are growing and learning from each other things that will help them to draw nearer to our Savior.  The Spirit was very strong in class.

Jamie asked what parts of Elder Uchtdorf's talk was a favorite to the sisters.   Sister Kathy Pinborough said she really liked the story of the dog.  It is below.

Nearly a century ago, a family from Oregon was vacationing in Indiana—over 2,000 miles (3,200 km) away—when they lost their beloved dog, Bobbie. The frantic family searched for the dog everywhere but to no avail. Bobbie could not be found.
Heartbroken, they made the trip home, each mile taking them farther away from their cherished pet.
Six months later, the family was stunned to find Bobbie on their doorstep in Oregon. “Mangy, scrawny, feet worn to the bone—[he] appeared to have walked the entire distance … by himself.” Bobbie’s story captured the imagination of people across the United States, and he became known as Bobbie the Wonder Dog.
Bobbie is not the only animal who has baffled scientists with an amazing sense of direction and instinct for home. Some monarch butterfly populations migrate 3,000 miles (4,800 km) each year to climes better suited for their survival. Leatherback turtles travel across the Pacific Ocean from Indonesia to the coasts of California. Humpback whales swim from the cold waters of the North and South Poles toward the equator and back. Perhaps even more incredibly, the arctic tern flies from the Arctic Circle to Antarctica and back every year, some 60,000 miles (97,000 km).
When scientists study this fascinating behavior, they ask questions such as “How do they know where to go?” and “How does each successive generation learn this behavior?”
When I read of this powerful instinct in animals, I can’t help but wonder, “Is it possible that human beings have a similar yearning—an inner guidance system, if you will—that draws them to their heavenly home?”
Calli Richards said her favorite part was when Elder Uchtdorf promised two things if we turn to the Lord:  1) That our lives will be better and 2) That God will use us to make someone else life better.
Calli then talked about how she and Brother (Ted) Richards had discussed this and she shared this analogy.  When we are working to be better it is like being a single bladed knife. We can do things that are asked of us, however when we are improving our lives to be more useful to the Lord, we become like a Swiss army knife.  We are blessed to be able to grow and do all sorts of things.  
Elder Uchtdorf in his talk said this, "On your journey back to Heavenly Father you will soon realize that this journey isn’t just about focusing on your own life. No, this path inevitably leads you to become a blessing in the lives of God’s other children—your brothers and sisters. And the interesting thing about the journey is that as you serve God, and as you care for and help your fellowmen, you will see great progress in your own life, in ways you could never imagine.
Perhaps you don’t consider yourself all that useful; perhaps you don’t consider yourself a blessing in somebody’s life. Often, when we look at ourselves, we see only our limitations and deficiencies. We might think we have to be “more” of something for God to use us—more intelligent, more wealthy, more charismatic, more talented, more spiritual. Blessings will come not so much because of your abilities but because of your choices. And the God of the universe will work within and through you, magnifying your humble efforts for His purposes.
His work has always advanced on this important principle: “Out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”
Jamie then played the song I Am A Child of God and she handed out a "love letter to each sister".  She had prayed about these and had typed up letters and no two were alike.  As we read these letters, it seemed like the Spirit was so strong and I can personally say that it felt like Heavenly Father was speaking personally to me.  (Thanks so much Jamie).  It is amazing to me how Heavenly Father knows each of us, our needs what we need to hear.  As these teachers prepare they are lead to do and say the things that we need to hear.
How does turning toward the light bless our lives even though we are going through hard times?  Elder Uchtdorf said, "This does not mean that our lives will be free from sorrow. We all know of faithful followers of Christ who suffer tragedy and injustice—Jesus Christ Himself suffered more than anyone. Just as God makes the “sun to rise on the evil and on the good,” He also allows adversity to test the just and the unjust.  In fact, sometimes it seems that our lives are more difficult because we are trying to live our faith.
No, following the Savior will not remove all of your trials. However, it will remove the barriers between you and the help your Heavenly Father wants to give you. God will be with you. He will direct your steps. He will walk beside you and even carry you when your need is greatest
Jamie told of how when she is having a bad day she will sometimes vacuum.  While she is vacuuming she is able to ponder and think about conference talks or scriptures they studied that morning.  It helps her turn her day around.  
Bonnie Clark said, "It is a choice to turn to the Light.  We can do things that will turn us back to the light when we are struggling.  We aren't always doing was would bring us close, but if we do the small simple things like scripture study and family prayer we will be able to keep closer to the Spirit, but it is a choice."
Jessica White said, "We are all different so we all will have different experiences.  The scriptures teach us, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." 
 I agree I think that we all need to know that everyone of us is going through different experiences and different trials.  One thing I have learned is that just because I am having a trial doesn't mean someone else's trial isn't as hard, because for them it is.  We need to remember to not judge.  We need to be there to hold someone's hand and help life them.  We need to not compare, but to be a true sister and friend.
Sister Lola Coombs told of how when she fell and broke her leg and laid on her kitchen floor for 16 hours before her family found her.  She prayed.  She was given the prompting that there were angels that would help her, but she needed to ask for their help.  So she prayed that she would have angels that would help her and specifically asked that it be her sweet husband that has passed away.  She said she never slept and she felt peace that everything would be okay.  When she was in the hospital it was decided that she needed to be flown down to SLC to a hospital for further treatment for her blood pressure.  Before she was flown she was given a blessing.  After the blessing she was told by one of the young men that blessed her that she had angels with her and that one of the angels was her husband and that he would be with her until her ordeal was over.  She felt his presence and was blessed.  What a wonderful testimony of the Love our Heavenly Father has for us!
At the end of the lesson, Sister Jamie Johnson challenged each of us to use our new journals.  She asked us to journal what talents we feel we have and how we can use these talents to help others.  She said, Heavenly Father will use you to help others.